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yoo Developers! When do we nerf BM?


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Seriously bm wasnt already op? now it has target resist too on q/e? this is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ insane! As wl u have 0 chances to defeat a bm. they resist and block EVERYTHING! you can only use 30sec cd skills and i guess this is the same with other classes. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ nerf it it's ruining everyone's game experience

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Am 14.5.2020 um 13:25 schrieb Ayakura:

Seriously bm wasnt already op? now it has target resist too on q/e? this is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ insane! As wl u have 0 chances to defeat a bm. they resist and block EVERYTHING! you can only use 30sec cd skills and i guess this is the same with other classes. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ nerf it it's ruining everyone's game experience

Well ye BM is strong now, but PvP is not balanced at all, so you can't just blame BM, but his Air-Combo for example already got nerfed in KR, we are getting the same patches in 3 months.

PvPis like rock paper scissors, which class beats another class. Of cause, you can also beat the class which counters you but this is skill-based. To begin with, if you don't learn every class for PvP, there is no point in even flaming for nerfs. Dunno why you didn't mention destroyer with his barely all-time cc immunity, his parry spin, same as BD. Summoner with his cat pin, FM with his frost root. The key to being good at PvP is to know what you are capable of with your own class, but you also need to know what other players can do with their class, so you can think of ways to play against it. If you are not willing to improve yourself then don't talk or even bother about PvP and just go 6vs6 Zerg.


But still, keep in mind, its still rock paper scissors, you as a paper get owned by a scissor of the same skill level and you own a rock on your skill level. 


People can also say nerf WL with his SB in PvP, or the Thrall, or the root......


And to be honest if, raging and crying is ruining others' game experience, even more, salt is everywhere!


There is no point in even reaching out to NCWest, because they can' do something for balancing. NCWest is just a sort of Sub Company of NCSoft and TeamBloodlust (owned by NCSoft) is the developer. NCSoft tells TeamBloodlust what to do, not NCWest. NCWest is just publishing for EU/NA and can just ask for some regional changes in terms of costs, items and translations. Everything else is dictated by NCSoft. So no matter how hard you flame, cry and stomp the ground, NCWest will not and can not do something about it xD

Feedback send to the devs by NCWest is going straight into the Dumbster.

Korea is doing the patches and we get them 3 months later.

Am 15.5.2020 um 01:54 schrieb SilverFoxR:

Class balance is a mess in the game as it is... not just for PvP.

ye it is, but well every class has its own perks, so play your class if you like the playstyle of your class. Dunno why ppl always try to show an e ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with the most damage dealt, just because of their class


Am 15.5.2020 um 05:33 schrieb Tufa:

balance is at an all time low.  Warden, bm, archer are all ridiculous. bd and gunner not far behind. 

Back in the day's Summoner had been Nr.1, at another patch, it has been Fm. It's kinda in every MMO or Moba, that certain classes/ champions are op, while others are either too hard to master as a normal player, or just low at all. Wait for the Korean skill patches who are tested at the moment in KR, we should get them in 3 months.

Maybe we are lucky and get some balance, as far as I know, they extended the balancing patches for another 2-3 weeks, so atm KR get weekly balance changes

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It's not at all rock paper scissors, complete myth.  There are OP classes that really have no counter.  The fact that some classes  have always been OP identifies the problem.  All the classes should have relative balance.  The differences now are not minor.

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yes should have, but you always will have classes which counter other, that's not a myth its part of the kits of every class, especially if you want to balance for PvP and PvE.

The only possibility to make all equal is to give everyone the same kit.

Of cause, it's not only rock paper scissors, your own skill also plays a big part.

If you know how other classes set up their combos, you can find a way how to counter it. 

Well yes back in the day's Summoner, Destro and Bladedancer were op, that changes every skill patch, for some classes more for others less.


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