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Battleground feedback


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Right now, as player who just started playing BG, i am often queued with and against players who have already very good pvp items, which results in very uneven matches and very unpleasant experience for new players.


What i see happening is that people with good gear derank themselves by afking/throwing so they will have bronze/silver medal and ends up match making versus very easy players with no gear. Hence they can gain reward faster.


The solution to prevent this is to give players more battleground points based on the average match making points in that match. For example. if both team have a average score of 1600, then the winning team will get round 3000 BG points. where as in a match with average score of 1300, they will only get 1000 BG points if they win.

This will give players highere incentives to strive for higher rankings and points.

As far as i understand, the ladder system records your highest points achieved in the season, not the current points you have. This also gives higher ranking/geared players more freedom in match throwing activities. As currently match throwing and afking is not punished.


What do you guys think?

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I think there already is a rank bonus for battle points. though it's about whether one is silver or gold and not the ranking points.

The ladder is with your current ranking points, not the highest achieved.


But I agree the match making is bad and should be reworked. There were suggestions making it impossible to change equipment in bg and making the matching depending on the gear your character has. But doubt NCSOFT will ever do something about it. :/

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This will never be fixed until they introduce a system that calculates your total "battle power" like it was called in a previous games.

This battle power thing should calculate your gear/unity/hm level and give a total number that determines how much you are geared.. for example a whale could have a total score of 400 and a mid gear player can have 300.


From there the match making should determine who goes against who, ranking shouldn't be the determinate here. As in 1500 you could go against people as low as 300k hp or  as high as 650k hp.

My solution works like a charm, and trust me everyone would absolute love going against people with similar gear. 

HP could also be a determining factor if they are too lazy to introduce a new system.

Edited by Akon
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vor 55 Minuten schrieb Akon:

This will never be fixed until they introduce a system that calculates your total "battle power" like it was called in a previous games.

This battle power thing should calculate your gear/unity/hm level and give a total number that determines how much you are geared.. for example a whale could have a total score of 400 and a mid gear player can have 300.


From there the match making should determine who goes against who, ranking shouldn't be the determinate here. As in 1500 you could go against people as low as 300k hp or  as high as 650k hp.

My solution works like a charm, and trust me everyone would absolute love going against people with similar gear. 

HP could also be a determining factor if they are too lazy to introduce a new system.

it would be a que simulator since you wouldnt be able to find a match thats according to the system balanced. Would only work if you remove the whole ranking silver, gold etc. 2. Why should i upgrade my gear for PVP if it dosent increase my chance of winning in the first place ? If my enemys have the same gear it dosent matter if i have max gear or story gear my chances will be the same. 


The only option NCsoft would have to actully fix BG would remove Gear completly which would sadly mean less income for them since people dont need to cash for PVP items aswell which means thats not an option NCsoft would ever think about. 

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no it wouldn’t be a queing simulator. what my fix will do is just rearrange the teams, instead of a mix of whales and alts.. put the alts in one game and the whales in another simple as that.

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