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Why the game isnt new player friendly


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I am new at game and after a while i saw that me and old players have huge power level between us. I mean thats fair because they are playing this game and farming for years but high end player is doing like 10 m dps and i am doing 50 k . Doing a math thats almost x200 so i cant compete with others. The problem is here game isnt rewarding new players with old content gear like lower raid gears and weapons . Okay they are giving us starter items but its really hard to play with that gears. This problem is making new players to go for desperate with catching high geared players and eventually they quit playing. Thats why blade and soul community is limited at the moment when we compare game quality with player counting.

Edited by Sweepney
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Average gear is not 10 Million its more like 1.6 Million maybe ? i would even say like 800K.


800k is like VT Gear which you reach pretty fast should be possible in 1 or 2 weeks. I wrote a guide about what to do as a new player here it is again:


1. Get Your weapon with 8 Slots by exchanging Naryu Silver in Jadestone.

2. Get to Moon Refuge and farm ur Legendary Accesories (Gen 2 Horizon Belt etc.) expect for Ring and Earring.

3. Get BT Ring and Earring (Can be done before step 2 dosent matter) After this step i recommend to go into dungeons not earlier.

4. Do dailys and weeklys. (Dailys only 4 cause you dont have enough equip at this stage)

5. When you reched the point where you are like Raven 9 with your weapon and got your accesories atleast on stage 3 find a VT Group for your VT Badge. (Can be   done earlier if you got a guild.

6. Now start upgrading your soul to atleast the first legendary stage

7. Keep upgrading till you are nearly max VT Gear.

8. Find a guild if you havent already.

9. Run TT with the guild (it still needs mech thats why i dont recommend randooms) to get your Ring and Earring and depending on class weapon mat.

10. Now i would start farming third gen Legendary Items.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Sweepney:

Okay they are giving us starter items but its really hard to play with that gears. This problem is making new players to go for desperate with catching high geared players and eventually they quit playing. Thats why blade and soul community is limited at the moment when we compare game quality with player counting.

Back in time you had way less problems to catch up or farm your gear, there have been enough sources, even for lower geared players, to farm your stuff.
Sadly NC-Soft got greedy as hell and keep limiting Materials and Farming spots. So right now only the 4 highest dungeons are realy wirth farming, everything below Gold and Mats got nerfed to oblivion.
Also NC-Soft decided to announce some cost reductions for weaponupgrades but actually did the exact opposite, now weaponupgrades are way more expensive.
But dont be afraid. just skip the 10 steps @ImoutoMastersuggested, talk with your banker, get a unlimited creditcard and just practice some creditcard anicancel. you will catch up in no time cause everything you need (and nearly impossible to farm in a reasonable amount of time) is available at F10 for a small fee.....



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2 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

It's literally handing out free raven (raid gear, btw, I used to actually farm for it) from storyline.

I had them and still can solo the spiders in moon refuge so they arent enogh for current content probably .I am doing around 100-120 k dps

2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Average gear is not 10 Million its more like 1.6 Million maybe ? i would even say like 800K.


800k is like VT Gear which you reach pretty fast should be possible in 1 or 2 weeks. I wrote a guide about what to do as a new player here it is again:


1. Get Your weapon with 8 Slots by exchanging Naryu Silver in Jadestone.

2. Get to Moon Refuge and farm ur Legendary Accesories (Gen 2 Horizon Belt etc.) expect for Ring and Earring.

3. Get BT Ring and Earring (Can be done before step 2 dosent matter) After this step i recommend to go into dungeons not earlier.

4. Do dailys and weeklys. (Dailys only 4 cause you dont have enough equip at this stage)

5. When you reched the point where you are like Raven 9 with your weapon and got your accesories atleast on stage 3 find a VT Group for your VT Badge. (Can be   done earlier if you got a guild.

6. Now start upgrading your soul to atleast the first legendary stage

7. Keep upgrading till you are nearly max VT Gear.

8. Find a guild if you havent already.

9. Run TT with the guild (it still needs mech thats why i dont recommend randooms) to get your Ring and Earring and depending on class weapon mat.

10. Now i would start farming third gen Legendary Items.

Thanks mate i ll try to follow this plan i hope i can do it fast but upgrades takes time and gold i mean lots of golds :D

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