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"Cache panda village" is a complete joke


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Went into this place on my alt for the first time just to see how helpful it would be for my alt, since I've had the firm belief this entire moon refuge area is a complete utter waste of time and should be deleted from the game, and I'm absolutely 100% right.


First of all the rewards in this place are a complete joke. Not only does it spawn once in a blue moon, but your total rewards EVEN IF THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAYERS in the instance might come out to be like 5-10 ms crystals and 10-20 ely crystals since those boxes has <10% chance of dropping a ms crystal. Now for sure there will be other players, so your rewards will usually be something like 2 ms crystals and 5 ely crystals. Yeah totally helpful for gear upgrades, that might afford you 1/10 of a single raven stage.


That's not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is it's open, geared PVP, or should I say straight out PK. Moon Refuge is supposed to be a new player friendly zone (even though it fails miserably at that). In theory this panda village is supposed to be a great source of mats for new players right? Of course not, this is BNS we're talking about. Who actually even bothers with this place that's meant to help low geared people now? Whales only, because all you see when you go in are whales running around one-shotting everyone else. Yeah totally new player friendly eh? I'm sure the 2k AP 3rd spec BM's wiping out the entire map of newbie archers in <20sec will feel proud of his grand total of 10 ms crystals and 20 ely crystals. Reminds me of SSP in the level 50 days with the bullshit scale dialed up to 10/10.



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8 hours ago, PetPuggi said:

In theory this panda village is supposed to be a great source of mats for new players right?

Erm...no? The idea of the area was open PVP, not it being "new player friendly". Whats new player friendly there are the buds and the merchant. The zone you are talking about was more intended for geared players to have some open PVP.

New players have moonlight buds and basin.


Also the frequency of the area teleport spawning depends purely on how many players are there actively killing things.


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I was like 3-4 times in the village just for fun, sometimes with my main (who could wipe out all the new players there I guess) and sometimes with an alt and I never saw that anyone did pvp there :D Not even my loot was stolen once. Everybody just attacked their mobs and took their loot. Maybe I was just lucky^^ But yeah moon refuge is useless :D

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Complaining about something totally OPTIONAL, no one is forcing you to enter right?

If you want to give some feedback about it, thats one thing, but complaining is next level of stupidity, just to keep up with the hate train...

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