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legendary soul shields that drop in dungoens /merchant of wonders is meh


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anybody doing iron tech forg will most likely  have raven soul shields  up ..... so those dropping makes no logic...... tbh nayru sancum needs to drop raven sould shield ...everything up drops vt ss ....... i mean why would it be a rare drop if everyone has it.....nobody ever bids on it... at least people  doing if up are people who looking to better those items and make it more of a rewarding drop .....



merchant of wonders 


why everytime this guy spawns he has the same boring set of items i mean them prices are not even cheap and the items are meh 


2 gold for a elysian crystal when a orb is 4 g ...... seriously ..its like going out my way to buy something that i could farm .    just remove those and add more outfits from certain places in game  like wigs etc ..... the prices for everything is way too high 




Edited by qqqq1
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Because the legendary shields in dungeons are just a little extra, they are not meant to be a main source of them. You can get them through Raids, MSP, Wings/ Feathers, Merchant of Wonders..... that more than enough ways to get them.


As for merchant of wonder prices, prices in the emrchant were ALWAYS based on current economy, thats hoe everything is priced, and obviously if you do hard mode dungeons the merchant has sets of better items than normal mode, at least more often.

The merchant is fine as it is, the only thing i would personally change is add extra costumes to it from dungeons pre-level 45.

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2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Because the legendary shields in dungeons are just a little extra, they are not meant to be a main source of them. You can get them through Raids, MSP, Wings/ Feathers, Merchant of Wonders..... that more than enough ways to get them.


As for merchant of wonder prices, prices in the emrchant were ALWAYS based on current economy, thats hoe everything is priced, and obviously if you do hard mode dungeons the merchant has sets of better items than normal mode, at least more often.

The merchant is fine as it is, the only thing i would personally change is add extra costumes to it from dungeons pre-level 45.

so basically your saying M.O.W is todays special that spawn in dungeon ...... i see people every day asking what should i get from the merchat cause he literally doesnt have anything special its like buying mats that u dont need to buy .....can bns make it better yes do they wish to no ....



theres alot of place to get soul shield  yes but why add them here when nobody needs them .....like putting a hat on a hat...its this common thing bns do all the time ....and the community it self now follows this meta.


grand celes. weapon for a raid that u need to do to get that weapon 


anybody doing if shoudl already have raven soul shield , its a waste of a chance at a actual legendary drop ....


looking in at a community perspective ..... anybody doing if would already have ful vt or 3 vt 5 bt already  at the current state of the game ... its more rewarding or feels like a legendary drop if people demand it ...its more of as troll factor oh oh a legendary drop oh look bt ss -______-


why not add vt ss at least then people will acutally need it and its a leg drop so its rare . yes dungeon nopt a place to get those ss but dont add them because doing that is the same as getting them from there . -rolls eyes-


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2 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

why not add vt ss at least then people will acutally need it and its a leg drop so its rare . yes dungeon nopt a place to get those ss but dont add them because doing that is the same as getting them from there . -rolls eyes-

Lower dungeons drop BT shields, higher ones drop VT shields.

You seem to be mixing some things up. Its the community who sets those standards and not the company. People ask for GC to do GC because what they cant keep in mechs they expect to make up in dps.


Fact is for soulshields specifically there is plenty of ways to get them and the dungeon drops are a little extra, they dont drop always, cope that with events that actually reward soulshields and you are good to go.

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if the MoW is an alternative way to get soulshields entier the dungeon he is in should give the gold/currency to use it on the MoW or let you pick 1 free item from the merchant of wondrs out of soulshields. (That is if you don;t want to nerf the prices as they should be, but apparently an average casual/f2p player that does dungeon can't get rewarded cause they need to be a whale to have 700k gold in their inventory like any other whale in this game to get something out of MoW that is needed for them.
(But whales don't need anything from MoW.)

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Merchant of Wonder prices are fine as is in my opinion. Look at it this way you can now buy the VT mystic badge item for 150g. If you think that price is high look on market for a sealed version from players. 780 gold. Now who is higher? If you buy materials such as crystals from him you would be better off just running more dungeons and getting them free. Now as for soul shields, you have a ton of sources for them so, why should they change it at all when it was meant to be a 'bonus' from doing dungeons that you get a chance at them to drop?

Needing Grand Celestial Weapon to do the raid that drops the actual weapon is a very weak argument and you know it. Don't base things off what other players require you to have in order to join their raids. It doesn't mean you need it to finish the said raid, hell for Nightfall Sanctuary the most you need is this, Aransu / Storm / Exalted Stage 9, Skybreak Ring / Earring Stage 10, Necklace from VT Stage 10, whatever your Hellion Bracelet is Stage 10, Horizon Belt Stage 3 - 10, King Gloves Stage 10 (or even Awakened Starstone Mine Gloves can work). At least the Event stage Soul / Pet Aura. Heart helps so, go for whatever you can afford (up to a point it takes no vials), likewise with your talisman. And last but not least, considering the sources from Heaven's Mandate and Cold Storage drop them often enough your gems should be at least Heptagonal. Basic understanding of the raid mechanics (probably the most important).


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2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Lower dungeons drop BT shields, higher ones drop VT shields.

You seem to be mixing some things up. Its the community who sets those standards and not the company. People ask for GC to do GC because what they cant keep in mechs they expect to make up in dps.


Fact is for soulshields specifically there is plenty of ways to get them and the dungeon drops are a little extra, they dont drop always, cope that with events that actually reward soulshields and you are good to go.

its the community that set the standards yes , thats why the game needs to follow in some way ....or be at least fair ..


i mean legendary drops should be rewarding at least for someone doing that specific content ....'


the game is more than aware of how broken the game as gotten and how easy bt ss are to obtain .....if they want people to catch up like come on vt has 2 raids over it ....... and most of the people ingame like regular raven folks doing up to ssm.... max if u have a clan u can do anything u want but ingeneral and at a community perspective all those ssm down rewards bt ss ..... so its just a backward move tbh.


and seems more of a troll.


bt is like 2 years ago and people just started doing up to ssm now with low gear and no gems .....


as for the M.O.W



the way i know that guy he drops reward that u cant obtain that easily or cant buy . he literally a discount of mats which is boring ....yea he might drop badge material but i  heard the higher the dungeon better rewards or hardmode idk

if he has zero chance of dropping those from ssm and low lvl dungeon everybody at that level should have badge material.


why make the guy rare if hes gonna offer stuff u can farm ... might as well just add outfits or at least gem powders and evo stone at discount... those are stuff hard to get ingame and most ppl buy them at discount anyways.  

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