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I HATE AWAKENING PATCH literally hate it


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first of all so many class literally got stepped on this patch 


first of all gunslinger ..... i mean this class is literally the only class that has gotten nothing but nerf since release every patch straight up to awakening ....i thoought may be the new skill changes were gonna fix this class but noo nothing has change if any of u try pvp on A GS u will know the sturggles .... gunner is the only class since awakening that literally needs a big brain toi even get close to gold and a fat ping .  


they nerf everything about fire gunner our rmb damage nerf our 4 skill nerf how i know this before patch my rmb on a daze target(open world) bracelet and everything is like 40k now its literally 28 k my 4 skill does like 16 - something damage with rmb buff from talent ... and 5 point in rmb ... i went arena and tried pvp the damage reduction is literally there u can see it


i mean why they even add a cast time to alpha call ...i get cc literally everytime and dont get effect ......


now this game forcing us to use shadow the only build for ping carried ........


what am sorry about the most is the fact after i invested soooo much time and effort into my gear, and having my class stepped on to the point where incinerators 6 doesnt matter any more is that i cant send it over to a class that really needs it.


i hate how this game let us lvl our chars up and trashing them just for us to switch and repeat reason i dont spend money .


i mean some classes in this game literally so op u wondering what in the world ppl thinking about adding that skill.


what is force master doing with asteroid .... ppl complain about gunner 1 shot now fm 30 plus miles away from u and slap whole team into space 3/4 hp why is this necessary.


wall bang 

idc about what korea does or do yall needm to makle it so we can tab esc a wall bang its so fun and a good experiece to get instant grab thrown to wall and they start the process of homework



bm is so boring now and not even fun yea they got 2 esc woo oo no cc skills and just spam block q e and kd  nothing special



alot of ppl say kfm is boring it might be op but kfm is so boring now 



idk what wls suppose to be in this game ....just a weird class for pvp




literally nothing can kill this class in bg and just red spin whole entire match ... and spam op shield every 12 sec .




warden got nerf but is it really a nerf ?????  


same amount of iframe, still tank 1 whole team and block literally 3/4 of all class lose guard break gg  and still slap like 800k so i heard from 1 server in bg wow 



still op nothing diff



still brain dead 


so i ask what is the point in all this , 


balancing of the game is out the doors and no turning back ... even when archer comes out i dont wanna even be here when that happens ..hopefiully by then ....



i just wish we could give other characters certain stuff and stop this whale this character then whale that character stuff...feel like am moving back wards 



i literally stop lvling everyhting overall the dps gap of this game is so broken u literally dont need a pty to do a thing now ...so i ask whats the point now?



i know korea do everything but whats the aim of this game







Edited by qqqq1
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Most MMOs fail at balancing classes. More if the game has both pve and pvp. Nerf this makes this other thing op somewhere else. Nerf that op thing then, and something else becomes op, or try to buff everything in pvp and pve suffers from it.


Then add corporate greed. Yes, you did nail one thing. Devs and corporate heads in Korea DO want you spending money in another class. That's why flavor of the month exists. Whales don't mind. They can rekt everything with any class as long as they pour another $1000 on it.


Lastly, yeah, this game seems to favor pve a little bit more than pvp. Heck, they even added NPC "players" in the form of ToI. So yeah, if you are too heavily into pvp, you should invest your efforts in a strictly pvp game. This game is simply not what you'd want for competitive pvp, unless you are able to max your character to the utter limit in a reasonable amount of time.

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look at this 


people were like gs  bullet storm op 1 shot a whole team nerf it , yes which is true now fm can asteroid a whole team like ....????????? wheres the logic yall going backward.



we made things easier for classes no more skills mixed up on 1 key ..... now a lot of class got skills on skills ....



gs needed guard break and a second tab .....they gave them it .... then take it away ?????????????????? put this whole bunch of damage on a build nobody uses unless they ping carried.


they took away alot of  fun  aspect of bm ... now bm is like a block holding class waiting and depending on nothing but 1 skill ....flash step



i mean balancing of this game cant be perfect but at least ..... they did nerf some classes but now this game is more unbalanced and broken as possible 




whole reason they delayed it and am not surprised  by it ..



tbh pvp is the only thing keeping me going rn  if i didnt have a warden ,kkm as alt to atleast enjoy some pvp then idk where and what game i be at .







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and tbh that gunner tab esc  reset with the long cast time is the smartiest idea for a fast moving class that depends on nothing but hook to stay alive otherwise its sitting duck  ... u literally have to iframe to use your esc reset and if u get cc while doing it u dont get reset and have to start process all over.. 


u cannot kill any of the following 


summoner just sapm bees , your iframe gone in 1 sec  and taking pve damage 


bm warden kfm..... just hold block and hit f to roll the daze if gunner misses tech chase nothing else he can do.



sin and sf is the only class we have a decent time with as we can bea them with mobilty and damage and even then if we mess up game over 


bd or destroyer ... u cant pve them as of parry spin , even destro with 500 percent def while spinning parry what damage can u get off in a 5 sec iframe ..... everything else is down to pitch perfect timing to stun or use your esc to bati out a roll tech chase .... i made gold last season and i had it before awaken patch i was like the 99 gunner at 1600 .... its really sad i fear the survival of this class when archer comes out by then we should have nothing .... 


the class that racked in the most dough and yall treating them like this ... -___-



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1 hour ago, Snowyamur said:

Okay, as a player who doesn't even PvP as much as you do, and even players that do PvP a lot, I'm having a hard time understanding what you're issue with the patch is. Is it the PvP changes? Is it the class changes? It sounds like those two, but you type up so poorly that I can't understand it.


Also, it shouldn't be a surprise that PvP is unbalanced in Blade & Soul. It's always been like that, so I wouldn't get excited over something like this because it's commonplace.

The whole game. pvp doesn't make any sense ....dp.s is out the roof unity stone makes no sense and dungeons is all about 200 runs for this 

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BG was never a PvP, its a 1-shot fest. And gunners in arena are just a free win. GS since its release was the worst pvp class ingame. And dont think Archer will replace it, since it will be the hardest class to play that relies on positioning and that thing doesnt exist in the community :D

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