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Blade Dancer Simple Mode


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Personal feedback:


Since my ping and fps are too shi**y to properly anicancel, simple mode is actually a nice increase in dps for me. Though it seems to do some odd pauses and skips sometimes, so if you do have decent performance you can probably do better without it.

That's regarding the flicker-flash anicancel, the rest of the "rotation" done by simple mode is so baffling I'm not sure what was the thought process behind it.

Mainly- X is used whenever it's up. Despite what it shows in the skill menu, whatever(!) the situation or the stance, if you have a target X will be used as soon as possible. This is problematic for several reasons;
X is an approach skill. This^ makes you approach when you don't want to, and is on cooldown when you do want to.

It is also what triggers (some) important bracelet and badge effects, which you maybe want some control over when they proc.

aaand it switches to draw stance, so basic stance is essentially impossible in simple mode..


Another issue is the draw stance RMB skill, which is a short dash. During simple mode it's moved to F. the problem with that is it sort of collides with F-reflex. Meaning, if you used F to quickly reflex backwards it'll make you immediately dash forwards. Often right back into hit zone. In EbondrakeLair dance boss, for example, I have to disable that skill (or disable simple mode) or I can't escape the dance zone.



In my humble opinion, simple mode would be great for BD if it just did flicker-flash for draw stance and sunder-typhoon for basic. That's it.

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On 6/1/2018 at 4:47 PM, Trilioh said:


Another issue is the draw stance RMB skill, which is a short dash. During simple mode it's moved to F. the problem with that is it sort of collides with F-reflex. Meaning, if you used F to quickly reflex backwards it'll make you immediately dash forwards. Often right back into hit zone. In EbondrakeLair dance boss, for example, I have to disable that skill (or disable simple mode) or I can't escape the dance zone.


Isn't this kind of your fault for not stopping and preparing ahead of time? I never have these issues on my BD, if I die it's because I do something stupid that I know I shouldn't have.


As for the rest of the topic, I whole heartedly agree. Ever done koldrak with simple mode on? It kills me everytime. For wind bd, until new bracelet is out (even when it is out, majority of the player base will not have it for possibly months.) X is both lightning and wind's skill for bracelet proc, as tiger is weaker on wind beyond MSP8. This being said, it ruins our rotation and not only that. It kill us on a constant basis or just outright makes us wait up to 5+ seconds doing literally nothing but left click for basic attack until our Z is off CD since both styles use that in their rotation with X for max dps output. 

Even with simple mode lowering our DPS, it is even my biggest complaint. My biggest complaint is the fact it's on an approach skill which I stated above, kills us A LOT.

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  • 2 months later...

First off, how bad IS your ping? You might still be alright with just learning and practicing your animation cancels if you're ping is okay.


Second, X going off whenever it's up isn't bad for Courage soul badge (which, if you're lightning, you pretty much should have), since it rapidly reduces the cooldown for C, which is your main Lightning Draw skill (has the longest duration). Also, you mentioned being in regular stance... I don't know about you, but when I'm on my own BD, I'm pretty much always in draw stance... I mean, that IS where Lightning BDs get their DPS output.


Perhaps, if the lightning build is not working out for you, have you considered just testing out the wind build for simplified mode? Wind has become a lot more viable nowadays and perhaps it's simple mode will be more useful. At the very least, you don't need to worry about anicancel at all.

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On 5.8.2018 at 8:35 PM, SilverFoxR said:

First off, how bad IS your ping? You might still be alright with just learning and practicing your animation cancels if you're ping is okay.

Around 180~200 ms and 20~30 fps usually. Can get worse on occasion.
I did learn and practice my animation cancel. Simple mode does it way better than I ever could.

On 5.8.2018 at 8:35 PM, SilverFoxR said:

Second, X going off whenever it's up isn't bad for Courage soul badge (which, if you're lightning, you pretty much should have), since it rapidly reduces the cooldown for C, which is your main Lightning Draw skill (has the longest duration).

Yes I have Courage badge, and I know how it works :)
X being the trigger for both courage and bracelet effect is all the more reason for me to want control over it.

On 5.8.2018 at 8:35 PM, SilverFoxR said:

Also, you mentioned being in regular stance... I don't know about you, but when I'm on my own BD, I'm pretty much always in draw stance... I mean, that IS where Lightning BDs get their DPS output.

For the vast majority of time I'm in draw stance, sure. But there are instances where I want to be in basic stance, like if I want to attack from further back, or do non single-target attacks.
More importantly on that- basic stance exits, it's a whole thing. What could possibly be the reason for putting a skill that switches you to draw stance as the 1st skill in the basic stance combo? Why eliminate basic stance with its own combo? What is the logic here?


On 5.8.2018 at 8:35 PM, SilverFoxR said:

Perhaps, if the lightning build is not working out for you, have you considered just testing out the wind build for simplified mode? Wind has become a lot more viable nowadays and perhaps it's simple mode will be more useful.

Maybe? In the future? ...a bit off topic. And did you read the post above you? Seems it's problematic for wind as well.


The greatest offender in all this though, as stated before, is the forced approach every 15 seconds (not counting resets). I don't think I have to elaborate how problematic and annoying that can be.

PS- Since this issue seems deprived of either common sense or basic familiarity with the game, I contacted support ..
"Working as intended" :D

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  • 1 month later...

You don't really need simple mode in wind anyway, it's just a matter of adjusting your rmb f to match your ping (press them slightly earlier if you have higher ping), there is no realy ani-cancel, so you either press the right time or too late, you can't press too early.

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