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BM- Winged Protector.

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New skill changes for PvP Bm is trash. Although wee don't have enough resist they removed our 3 sec resist to 3 hit resist. What is the point on that? Everybody can make 3 hits in less than 1 sec. We can't even stay alive more then 3-4 secs in fights if we can't 1 shot anybody. 

Honestly while everybody has long timed resists, why did they remove it from our skills? 

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13 hours ago, HoLySouLs said:

New skill changes for PvP Bm is trash. Although wee don't have enough resist they removed our 3 sec resist to 3 hit resist. What is the point on that? Everybody can make 3 hits in less than 1 sec. We can't even stay alive more then 3-4 secs in fights if we can't 1 shot anybody. 

Honestly while everybody has long timed resists, why did they remove it from our skills? 

Agreed! Not only BM's, but Blade dancers too (Since they share common skill now). Formerly best support class, not reduced to utter thrash in 3v3. How can someone even came up with idea to swap 3 seconds iframe for 3 attack resist? Isn't we have enough oneshots on arena? Now you can't even save ANYONE with this new tab+f. This is outrageous! Bm and BD now removed from viability in 3v3.

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/19/2018 at 2:54 PM, ferretoya said:

Agreed! Not only BM's, but Blade dancers too (Since they share common skill now). Formerly best support class, not reduced to utter thrash in 3v3. How can someone even came up with idea to swap 3 seconds iframe for 3 attack resist? Isn't we have enough oneshots on arena? Now you can't even save ANYONE with this new tab+f. This is outrageous! Bm and BD now removed from viability in 3v3.

If you hink this then you shouldnt play pvp...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The classes can still function fine. Now with that being said other classes need the i frames to survive. SF would be trash and same with FM which still uses its ice sheath consistently to survive. You are right though I believe all classes should have 3 i frame rule. So yes if it was up to me ice sheath time would be 3 hits not for 10 seconds. Footwork would be nerfed to 3 hits. Whipline wouldn't be an i frame just a movement skill. Sins movement would be severely reduced while in stealth.  SEE though that make all other classes poop. So keep them where they at. They didnt like bds living through solid 5 ppl hitting them at once. ( yet an fm does it for long times and no one cares) 

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