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Unjustly banned for "scamming", support is no help

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I am a F2P player who trades in-game currency (gold) occasionally for the 30/90/whatever day premiums. I have been playing for over 2 years, and I never had a problem about this. Recently, I was running out of time, so I set out to find a player to buy from. I came across a player who attempted to scam me, but it was unsuccessful. I did not receive the 90-day, so I did not pay anything to him. He then went on to spam the chat that I am a scammer even though he was attempting it. I have a clear screenshot where I have <2 days left when that player is asking for gold. I ended up buying successfully from another player later that day. This was almost two weeks ago.

Today, I received a message that _I_ was banned for scamming. No matter what I reply to the ticket, they say that they will not disclose details and the ban will remain. What can I do about this?

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Show them the picture, explain the situation. More than likely, the scammer reported you or some people believed them.


However... just gonna put this out there... but buying/selling premium? Probably not looked well upon. A lot of MMOs do not permit it and put it on the same level as scamming, simply because of how easy it is to BE scammed in these situations.

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It is really hard when each reply takes 2+ hours and they do not treat me as a human being, the first 2 seemed to be generated replies (which seems to happen often here).
I was actually hoping that someone from the support who is decent enough would read this earlier than getting another automated reply...

I am very well aware that I can be scammed, but I managed to avoid it for over 2 years, so it is possible. Also, in the long run, it is one more purchase from their side, it's just that the buyer is different. If you ask me, they still profit.

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This honestly just shows how much NC valued their customers/players.


A 2 year player can't even get a decent response let alone assistance. Them not assisting you? Fair enough, that's normal for them.


But for one single NCsoft staff member to take 10 minutes (20 max) out of their day to write up a proper "human" response for a 2 year player? Nice NC.

Even if the ban was justified (not taking sides), I'd imagine a proper response would have been lovely for OP.


I'm sorry to hear about your case.

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I would try adressing one of the forum staff with your issue and ask them to check it with support. |Who knows might help.


Asside from that everyone here knows unless you spend loads of real money they wont care enough to help you

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