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So those VT badges


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Here's another possible fix to 6v6 that would largely remove 1 shots by allowing people to use defensive skills as they were intended to be used.


First off, one needs to remove defense penetration from all VT badge skills.


Defense penetration isn't needed for PVE which is what the badge is for. In PVP, this makes the badges absurd; every hit, even if  the main skill is blocked will trigger the effect and kill you right through it. Case in point, you can block a gunner's unload, but the blue flame trigger is what kills you instantly. This is the same for every other skill triggered by the VT badge. Without the defense penetration the skills would cause massive damage, but you could defend against them at the very least. In which case a player mistake is what's causing the death.


There are specific skills to be used that are meant to break an opponents block/counter, etc. These are the skills that should be used when an opponent is defending, not the primary DPS skill because it will hit right through due to one absurd badge. The badge adding damage isn't a problem, it being able to break through any defense short of an iframe is a problem. There aren't that many iframes around and these run out even faster against "spam" classes.


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Yes they should remove them its just lame really.. and a lot of other stuff has to change aswel.

6v6 used to be a lot of fun long ago.. now its just brainless 1hitting.. 

And if you say something about it they say you shouldnt cry lol.. but in the meanwhile they cry the game is dead... well not weird for many people this is end game...and nobody likes being 1hit.. especially when u have decent pvp gear and good normal stuff..


This the only game i ever played where people act like its normal to be 1hit with good gear... no other communities would protect this.

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still the same,but  take it as a 6v6 hardcore who ever is smarter wins, reducing dmg is boring will be there the antire game fighting with other and not dying, if removing defense penetration then remove all kfm unlimited iframe+block, destroyer  unable to spin and reflect while doing dmg, FM's unble to heal on veil and reduce the time, summoner unable to aerial, sin unable to stealth, :giggle:  the only thing they should focuse on is crash on 6v6 and  fix balance matches thats all

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Another issue is that the badges themselves are hideously imbalanced in terms of burst DPS. Certain ones are far superior and lead to 1 shots more than others.


Certain badges like the ones Destroyer, KFM, BD, SF, GS have are all orientated towards massive burst within the span of 1-3 hits leaving the other player nearly no time to respond. Most 1 shots from these classes are mostly due to the badges and none of their actual skills.


Lastly, there is a special place in hell for FM's badge, as if they don't have enough ways to "get away with it", they can also drop circles of guaranteed death (if SS is down) at random, even on themselves to prevent melee classes from killing them. On top of literally being able to create guaranteed kill zones in confined spaces.




Nothing to do with skill defense penetration, those exist to break defense. VT proc effects shouldn't be unblockable though, that's one of the most annoying parts about the badges.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is the reality the badge unbalances the game in terms of PvP without a doubt would be the best change to remove the penetrate and defense, something that e posted I also may that the players like us have found the error in the game but until this information arrives Developers in Korea will spend a lot of time. I currently have dragon +8 almost +9 I do not have pvp accecorios only raven if I have ss pvp for that I prepare myself a player free to play with great care and dedication I could get to raise my weapon pvp, and faced all types of player from player of elos bronze to gold, from free to play to mega p2w, which is what I can tell you based on my experience between a good player who enjoys the battlefield doing combos evading and blocking skills, until now and seen very little good players who really know how to play and player who only use vt badge to add kill, what difference there is between a player of high rank and a low, the player of low rank is surviving the whales could be said doing combos resisting and surviving, in the high elos or ranking from 1500 to 1650 I only see the player constantly shooting vt badge without using combos (dead brain) so that this game presents in tournaments a very nice combat system and that sells something to the reality  does not exist, it seems to me that it is not right. The battlefield is the reflection of the pvp in the open world and something you all know (pvp open world, what is that?) If the developers do not take action against the vt badge blade and soul never to see a faction battle like was before.

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