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I have no idea what to do


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I got that lvl 50 voucher and reached lvl 55 very fast but now I have no idea what to do. I have no guild, I don't know which dungeons to farm or how to enter them, few parties that I entered kicked me and since i skipped to endgame I don't even know what most of the items do. RIP

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I don't know what all you need help with since you didn't post your profile for me to see your gear but somethings that might help:


  • running dungeons for Leg accessories (Desolate tomb, Naryu foundry, Naryu sanctum)
  • farming peaches in Celestial basin for Mystic badge and materials to upgrade your weapon (always go the void frag method when upgrading your weapon until you can't anymore, its cheaper)
  • work on getting your soul badge either with solar energies or at the infinite tower in mushin's tower 
  • do all the purple dungeons you can and try to do the daily challenge + weekly challenge whenever you can to get money and solar energies which can be exchanged for gems (it takes about a week to get one gem, you can also buy gem powders on the marketplace to make gems) 
  • try to get your HM skills for your class by doing arena pvp and getting zen beans for the items to get your hm skills (look up hm skills and your class to find out what skills you should focus on getting)
  • also if you don't know how to enter dungeons try f8 and search for a dungeon group~ 
  • if you need help with understanding dungeon mechanics or what to do after level 55 there are a lot of youtubers that have guides I recommend Evildousharm + Eckogen  
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b4 you even try to upgrade your weapon from stage 1 Seraph/Baleful make sure you get 6 gem slots on you weapon, trust me if you dont and get unlucky and end up with only 3 or 4 gem slots you will regret it later on if you dont roll your gem slots b4 upgrading you weapons.

To roll your weapons gem slots go to "Hogshead hamlet" and go to the "naryu coin exchanger Ryujo" next to the "wheel of fate" you can buy the dark or light weapon stage 1, make sure you know which weapon you want cus as far as i know both work different and can maybe benefit your character better than the other. you should look up in to this.
To ''roll your gem slots" you neet to have 5 Naryu silver, you can make 1 Naryu silver form 20 pieces of Naryu coin. you can easily get Naryu coin by spamming mushin's tower floor 1 to 9 with the gear that you got from the main quest you should be able to do this, its going to be a little of a grind but if you get lucky on you first roll's you can get it quickly or just pray to our lord and savior RNGsus.

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Same problem haha (but i played from lvl 1). Only 830 Ap currently. Gearing up sounds quite complicated... the best way to get this 60 AP diamond gem is spamming daily challenges and transmuting? This will take forever :D


Also, should I get the MSP soul shield? is it the best right now?

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The best way to get end game gems is through Trove event (which is happening right now). If you don't have a lot of real money to spend on this game, then you have to go through the farming and transmuting. Yes, it seems like taking forever and that's the life of causal players. Maybe there will be event that can let you get the 60 AP diamond gem in the future, but only God knows when will it happen.


MSP soul shields are the basic soul shields for new players that you can get them through finishing story quests. In addition, you will start to get the BT/raven soul shields too from story quests. With these, you can easily join the heroic dungeons (lair up to sogun) and finish them with a group of players with similar AP as you. If you want to do DT, EC, NF, NS in normal mode, you can also do them, but will take longer if there isn't a player with decent gear in the group.


This game is about repeated farming same dungeons over and over again to stock up the mats for crafting, upgrading, and transmitting. If you don't like this style, I recommend that you go find other games now.

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First thing I recommend doing before you start getting into anything else is that you actually learn how to play your class properly in f12. Look up guides for rotations and other things online such as youtube or handwritten guides. Since I'm assuming you don't know much about your class and since you're new you probably don't know how to iframe and other things. You will need to know these things for doing dungeons and farming peaches since some of the mobs in celestial basin are annoying and hit hard especially when you don't have enough gear yet so knowing what your skills do is important.

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I´m currently spamming celestial basin and everything is kinda easy.


What items besides the mystic badge am I supposed to get?



you will start to get the BT/raven soul shields

erm... True Shot SS is the last one I got from main quest. I suppose that´s the MSP one. Never saw BT/Raven...maybe it was one of those from before... I deleted them x.x

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25 minutes ago, Eneraia said:


erm... True Shot SS is the last one I got from main quest. I suppose that´s the MSP one. Never saw BT/Raven...maybe it was one of those from before... I deleted them x.x

You get the first 3 pieces from the quest that you have to accept in J, its called solak: warrior's might. The quest requires you to kill the bosses in dkv, fallen aransu school, and snowjade fortress. Dkv is easy with no mechanics except ccing the adds that spawn during boss but you can focus dps since they only have 2 cc bars.


The other 2 I wouldn't recommend until you understand the mechanics first even though they are both easy, here is a quick rundown of the mechanics for those. 


Fallen aransu school:

first mini boss is a warlock with two thralls near him. Dps down the thralls first and then focus on the warlock. If he spawns thralls again then focus thralls again, kill them then go back to dpsing the warlock. 


The actual boss (huge thrall) in the next phase:

Basically for this boss you need to kd him when he does time distortion to get into soul separation, skip kd on the next TD unless your party decides to stun him but its not needed, KD him the next time he does TD to get out of soul separatipn. So the rotation for when the boss does TD (time distortion) is KD -> skip/stun -> KD repeat.

If you don't know what time distortion looks like just search up on youtube warlock time distortion, its the same skill that their thrall does. Its a lit up circle on the ground around the thrall.

The boss will also do an attack called punishment where it can be in and out or out and in, basically for this just run out and back in depending on where it starts first. Don't iframe this because it can kill you, literally run out and back in with your character. However while in soul separation you are immune to punishment so you don't have to do this, just watch out for the stuff that spawns on the ground and don't step on it.


Snowjade Fortress:

First boss is the yeti:

easy mechanics for this one, if you get a mark under your foot then stay away from the boss because adds will start throwing sht at you that will heal the boss. Since you're ranged then you can continue attacking the boss from a distance and just move out of the spots when the adds throw stuff at you.


Next boss is asura from soguns:

Mechanics for this boss start at 80, 50, and 20% hp of the boss.

At those percentages the boss will suction everyone in, it can't be iframed so just let him suck you in, after the suction quickly ss away because he will drop a aoe around him. 

After the suction he will summon 2 orbs so you and someone else will go near a line and on either side of the line an orb will spawn that you block or you can block both yourself if you want.

After the orb summon, the boss will summon flowers. If you blocked an orb color opposite of the flower color then step on it. Basically if you blocked a blue orb then you can step on a red flower and vice versa.

So he will repeat those mechanics 2 more times at 50 and 20%, in between mechanics just dps and thats it.


Hopefully that helped but you can always watch youtube videos to help tou understand it a bit better.



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