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New Blade Master? Could use some help.


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Hey guys.

Just like the title says, I used my voucher to make a Blade Master, because there are way too many gunners in my opinion, and I wanted to try my hand at something that could be more useful to most parties (I don't mean any offense to gunner players- I apologize in advance) 

That being said, I'm asking for some help on where to get started with BM. What are the rotations and what should I know in general about this class that will help me in being a good tank? Any input is highly appreciated! I look forward to (hopefully) being a good tank in the future ^^

P.S: I am not new to Blade & Soul at all, so nobody has to go into significant detail about things that any player would usually know. I just need a run down on this class. Thank you!

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rotations would depend entirely on your soul badge setup. before i got vortex badge, my personal favorite was transcendance soul badge(from mushin 16-20) and the pulse mystic badge. with transcendance, you can get a lot more bladestorms off, which is 6 seconds straight of dragontounge.

so the rotation would basically be: engage- phoenix wing (v)- Searing slash(4) - bladestorm(x) - lightning rod(c) - whirling scourge(v while phoenix wing is active) then rmb until the bladestorm conflagration runs out, then use bladestorm again. 


while phoenix wing is down you can use lunar slash for conflagration, then 3 flickers and a dragontounge while lunars on cd


using violent blade to block boss attacks gives you more rmb's as well, and it should be your main defence skill for bosses. it will not block red aoes though, so use an iframe like ss,q,e, or shoulder for those.


i would reccomend trying to unlock HMBlock as soon as possible too

hope this helps you a little bit!

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It depends on what build you're leaning more towards, fire or lightning? That will determine what badges you get and rotations. My little advice for being a good tank is to never circle tank the boss xD I also recommend checking out blade and soul reddit because I've seen many posts about bms popping up often.

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Thanks for the reply, guys.

I'd like to use fire build because occasionally my ping isn't exactly on point, and I'm not 100% with ani cancelling, so I'd prefer to stick with Fire, although maybe I'll try lightning when I get adjusted more to BM. 

So for fire, what's a good recommendation for my soul badge? And best rotation for tanking?

Also, @SalemK what's the best way to go as far as avoiding getting hit or what not throughout a fight? Just block, or iFrame (with Q for instance) ? I guess it would be situational.. But I want to make sure I know what's up before I start trying to go into dungeons. I'd rather avoid being a pain for others.

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@YenNhi Holy trinity mentality is strong xD


@Priscellica Depends on what kind of attack you want to not get hit by. Everything which makes a yellow circle in normal mode dungeons can be blocked with either violent blade or block. In hard mode same attacks are prone to blocking. Everything else, you have to iframe. Remember that as @YenNhi kinda insinuated, there are people who count on you keeping the boss relatively steady. Some classes are really not maneuverable and can only deal with 1-2 consecutive attacks, then become jerky. So your main iframes will be double "E". First click takes you behind boss. Use this one to iframe, second brings you back in front of boss. Make sure to have a skill out of cooldown (Lightning Draw[4]/Lunar Slash[tab]), so you can get back in draw stance. Your other big iframe is "C", followed by "S+S"(backstep). Try to learn and use "C" more, as the backstep is extremely important for repositioning bosses and getting out of aoe pools. Other than that, if your party is composed of good players, you can spec your Block[1] to it's second feat, which grants you 3 second iframe (has long cooldown). You can use that to tank through short duration aoe damage pools. There's another iframe which is exclusive to draw stance and that's your five point strike specced to resist. Last but not least, there's your "Q". That one is special. If [tab] and [4] are on cooldown, you can combo E+Q to iframe and then get back in front of boss but in draw stance. That's about all of them.

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You should be using "f" (violent blade) to block often unless you time it incorrectly then you use 1 to block. The reason why is because f will keep you in draw stance (what you should be staying in as much as possible) while using 1 to block will take you out of draw stance. Also never use "E" iframe first if you need to iframe multiple red aoes because using E will also put your Q iframe on cooldown. Also E can be used off cooldown when you're in draw stance. So what this means is that you can, Q -> E, SS -> E, 4 -> E, Tab -> E, Z -> E, etc. to iframe multiple attacks, basically as long as you are in draw stance you can use E to iframe whatever and still have Q off cooldown. Like what massiveego said, if you are in draw stance already then you can also e and then q to get back in draw stance and the same position after iframing the attack. It takes time to get the hang of it but you will eventually. 

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1 hour ago, SalemK said:

Also never use "E" iframe first if you need to iframe multiple red aoes because using E will also put your Q iframe on cooldown. 

Doesn't happen. Never did.


Edit. It actually does happen but only if you're using E while in basic stance. Who the hell uses E while in basic stance tho :LUL:

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For Fire, good soul badges to use would be transcendence or magnum (if you have no VT gear). I personally prefer using transcendence. Transcendence allows u to cast 3 blade storms during phoenix wing (if you are on point), which allows you to have high dragon bracelet uptime, and high dragontongue uptime.


If you have VT gear, courage + holy fire would be the BiS. 

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