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BT Jewelry in coin merch


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Cause lets face it, the RNG in this game *bleep*ing sucks, BT is no exception. While it's annoying as hell in the big 4 for the legendary you can run those as many times as your sanity will let you in a day. BT you are restricted to once a week unless you can swiper much swiping and buy tons of resets.. even then you can spend hours running BT and never get the jewelry you need. I've been running it for a few months now, and just recently twice a week with an alt in a second raid. Grand total of 3 Earth accessories (no ring all earrings) 2 fire accessories, 1 ice earring, shit ton of shadow, a few lightening and a shit ton of ice rings. 


Soul shields are just as bad but you can at least spend feathers on those and get them from the coin merchant. 


There needs to be a second means of obtaining BT jewelry. Have it in the coin merchant for gold or feathers (gold preferably but make it a lot like a few hundred) and lock it behind achievements. (if it drops from boss 1 you need to run that 10 times) 

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If anything, it should be tied to a "token" obtained in a dynamic quest. It should require at least 20 of them... but anyway, as it will be nerfed to 12 man and keep the same amount of loot for each boss, it won't matter much and won't be implemented.

Sure, some people will be unlucky and won't see a single Fire ring in 20 runs despite the nerf, but that's RNG and NCSoft won't do a thing about it.

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