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beware ncoin codes wont apply nor activate


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I bought two ncoin cards today and neither of them will activate when applying code on the site so 50 bucks gone down the drain just informing those who try to buy ncoin cards must be something wrong with the site or something cause I have receipts and all it just sits there and active button greys out then comes back and no code appears to be applied to my game

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i had this issue once before then i noticed when i entered the code,  for some reason a space got put at the beginning and i didn't relies that. That's 1 thing that may have happened to you also here another thing you can try from your recipe  go to the 1 with the code use your mouse to right click hold and move over them cod'e then right click that the code that has just be highlighted then hit Copy then go to your game account go to the part that you put the code in but don't  type anything just right click it helps and hit paste then try and activate i find that way helps a lot more then manually typing in the code just let know in post if any of that helps but always be careful cause sometimes it can put a space at the beginning or end of the code without you knowing or seeing unless you check it 

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8 hours ago, ein1991 said:

I bought two ncoin cards today and neither of them will activate when applying code on the site so 50 bucks gone down the drain just informing those who try to buy ncoin cards must be something wrong with the site or something cause I have receipts and all it just sits there and active button greys out then comes back and no code appears to be applied to my game

Have your cards been activated at the register? When the cashier scans the card, it adds it to the list of items you are buying. That is what shows on your receipt. However, if it has not been activated at the register, it will not work. If all else fails, go back to the store with receipts at hand and attempt to either refund, replace or activate those cards.

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I'm in the same boat. I purchases a $25 NCoin card today and it won't activate, the button simple gray out. At first I thought the staff didn't activate it, but I tried my Humble Bundle keys and none of them worked either. I assume the fault lies with the website.

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I got the same response but 50 bucks worth of ncoin and I have to wait like dude I spent money why should I have to wait I don't understand they gave me no reason as to why it wont work and its not like they had to wait to get the money from me what do I get for waiting cause I don't have my 50 bucks I know that

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the support team got back with me again they are just running me in circles no answers or of any help at all first they tell me I'm typing them in wrong then they say wait til further date to enter code now they want a snsp shot of the error message there is no error message ive said this already once to them the button greys and does absolutely nothing no messages just nothing


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