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mail fee way to high


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5 hours ago, Lunakitty said:

The price is 5 gold each flower or 1 gold each petal. They are very easy to obtain so I guess they are encouraging this way to actually play on your alt to collect the flowers...perhaps? O_o

It's more of a remnant from the past, other regions didn't have this at all iirc, it was back when those petals and flowers were quite rare. After half a year, I still didn't have enough to upgrade to legendary, i just barely had enough petals to get one flower on two of my characters, and enough for 2 on my main.


Why they still have that I do not know, If they didn't, I'd be sending all those petals I have stored up on some of my alts to my mains... maybe that's why they still keep it.

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If 5g mailing fee for each flower is expensive to you, you can try buy sealed flowers from F5 marketplace for 20g+ each. Mailing is one of many ways to prevent inflation and gold flooding in the game. Without gold sinking system like this, currency exchange (F9) will drop into 1:1 ratio which means a 4799 ncoins phoenix bundle will cost 4799g later. At NA server the ratio is 1:6 so that bundle costs only 800g while EU server ratio is 1:3 or 1600g.

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2 hours ago, Divine Retribution said:

If 5g mailing fee for each flower is expensive to you, you can try buy sealed flowers from F5 marketplace for 20g+ each. Mailing is one of many ways to prevent inflation and gold flooding in the game. Without gold sinking system like this, currency exchange (F9) will drop into 1:1 ratio which means a 4799 ncoins phoenix bundle will cost 4799g later. At NA server the ratio is 1:6 so that bundle costs only 800g while EU server ratio is 1:3 or 1600g.

EU ratio is about 1:4,5-5, it only drops to those ridiculous ratios when treasure trove is here. But if that were the case, shouldn't forging orb cost to send too? they just cost a few copper, not sure about taikhans skin, but i think that one is the same as forging orb. Why is only the legendary entry pass such prices?

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17 minutes ago, Yndril said:

EU ratio is about 1:4,5-5, it only drops to those ridiculous ratios when treasure trove is here. But if that were the case, shouldn't forging orb cost to send too? they just cost a few copper, not sure about taikhans skin, but i think that one is the same as forging orb. Why is only the legendary entry pass such prices?

Taikhan skin mail fee is 5 gold.

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10 hours ago, Divine Retribution said:

If 5g mailing fee for each flower is expensive to you, you can try buy sealed flowers from F5 marketplace for 20g+ each. Mailing is one of many ways to prevent inflation and gold flooding in the game. Without gold sinking system like this, currency exchange (F9) will drop into 1:1 ratio which means a 4799 ncoins phoenix bundle will cost 4799g later. At NA server the ratio is 1:6 so that bundle costs only 800g while EU server ratio is 1:3 or 1600g.

As a casual player that makes on average 20-30 gold a night yes 50g to mail a few items for a 30g upgrade is steep. But as other users have pointed out the newer items such as the foundry orbs which are more expensive, more rare only cost a few copper to mail between characters where is flower of lament are 5g each. This is the first game especially an NCsoft title where I have seen this steep of gold in order to mail an item to yourself. 

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