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Upcoming Alt Friendly Changes (UPDATED)


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So in the Livestream yesterday, the guy talked about future content like. . .


-Clan vs. Clan (6v6 style)


-New Weekly Raids


-Alt Friendly Changes, etc.


Also, please run me down on the other changes they're doing February. I vaguely heard about the Skill Tree Remake, but I don't wanna just list it and not let it be confirmed :/











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1 hour ago, Growlingnight said:

If this is true i'm not sure if to be mad or happy. I'm close to true scorpion but my accessories are far behind. Guess i'm gonna farm gold and materials but won't upgrade till the patch hits.

Yeah, I can understand the frustration. At least you won't have to deal with upgrading the accessories much. As long as you have like 550+ AP, I would stop upgrading and just focus on the event to get the Hongmoon Hexagonal Diamond Gem, since it upgrades to a higher AP gem in the future x:



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1 hour ago, Shukran said:

i would be happy. it is already a year game is released. true scorpio gets what..600ap? cool!


moreover i have 2 alts who would like it :P

I have an FM, WL, and BD waiting to be leveled as soon as this gets implemented. This is also good for the fact that I still didn't upgrade that blasted belt and now I get it for free, LOL.

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2 hours ago, XulaKVZiegel said:

The guy said you can get a free True Scorpio weapon just by story quest alone, along with fully upgraded accessories to catch up to endgame in Silverfrost, correct?

If thats TRUE it's gona be AWESOME finaly get to play with my 6 alts!

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Dont think so cause they said if u reach Silverfrost u get ur first weapon to upgrade and u will start at the bottom as u can see at the picture.

We are always around 2 months behind Taiwan and they got it 1 month ago : 14 Dec



U can see at the first picture, that they get a new weapon and mats back for Salvalging.





the only thing i want to know are the Material costs for each upgrade but couldnt find anything about it :/ 



ps: sry for bad english


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1 hour ago, SentiXx said:

Dont think so cause they said if u reach Silverfrost u get ur first weapon to upgrade and u will start at the bottom as u can see at the picture.

We are always around 2 months behind Taiwan and they got it 1 month ago : 14 Dec

So in other words, we get upgraded weapons during story progression, but we get an actual upgradable hongmoon weapon once we reach Silverfrost? I'm so confused by this. The person who was talking about it, english is not his first language, so I couldn't understand much of what he was saying during the livestream.

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11 minutes ago, XulaKVZiegel said:

So in other words, we get upgraded weapons during story progression, but we get an actual upgradable hongmoon weapon once we reach Silverfrost? I'm so confused by this. The person who was talking about it, english is not his first language, so I couldn't understand much of what he was saying during the livestream.

He said u will during the story all weapons for free - ( u cant upgrade them ) and if u reach Silverfrost u get ur first Hongmoon Weapon to Upgrade, that would be the White Moon Weapon from Taiwan. ( u can see at the picture )

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55 minutes ago, SentiXx said:

He said u will during the story all weapons for free - ( u cant upgrade them ) and if u reach Silverfrost u get ur first Hongmoon Weapon to Upgrade, that would be the White Moon Weapon from Taiwan. ( u can see at the picture )

Oh snap, thanks for telling me. I'll edit the first post and put this quote in for people to see :D

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What it will be is you won't get a HM weapon at the start like you normally do, instead you will get random blue weapons through the main quest line, same with accessories. You won't be able to upgrade any of them and no more Hongmoon weapons or jewelry will be given. (which trust me it makes a big difference as your stats and AP goes through the toilet so leveling a lowbie is going to be hard) 


When you reach Mushin's tower for the first time and head to Grand Harvest instead of being given the free skypetal weapon you use to upgrade your HM weapon you get a nearly identical weapon that you can now upgrade.


Instead of having to go through 3 different oath breaker lines, 2 breeze, 2 scorpio you simply go through three lines of the new weapon and you can get legendary. They also give you none upgradeable purple accessories and Asura jewelry has been upped stat wise and can be used until you can farm legendary jewelry.  


If like many of us you already have oath and above you can salvage it and it will give you the new weapon stage 10 already (equal to what you have already) and mats as you can see from the screenshot above (which is one I took :P) 


If you are a lowbie rocking like infernal you can't upgrade it anymore and can only salvage it for something like a blue siren weapon. 

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14 minutes ago, DirectorTseng said:

What it will be is you won't get a HM weapon at the start like you normally do, instead you will get random blue weapons through the main quest line, same with accessories. You won't be able to upgrade any of them and no more Hongmoon weapons or jewelry will be given. (which trust me it makes a big difference as your stats and AP goes through the toilet so leveling a lowbie is going to be hard) 


When you reach Mushin's tower for the first time and head to Grand Harvest instead of being given the free skypetal weapon you use to upgrade your HM weapon you get a nearly identical weapon that you can now upgrade.


Instead of having to go through 3 different oath breaker lines, 2 breeze, 2 scorpio you simply go through three lines of the new weapon and you can get legendary. They also give you none upgradeable purple accessories and Asura jewelry has been upped stat wise and can be used until you can farm legendary jewelry.  


If like many of us you already have oath and above you can salvage it and it will give you the new weapon stage 10 already (equal to what you have already) and mats as you can see from the screenshot above (which is one I took :P) 


If you are a lowbie rocking like infernal you can't upgrade it anymore and can only salvage it for something like a blue siren weapon. 

Thank you so much for this information. I've updated the first post just in case anyone else was curious about those specific changes. Also, since this is gonna be what's coming out, kinda sad how it will be hard to level up an alt after all. Hopefully they adjust the damage more? Maybe?


At least they shortened the path though. It's going to be way cheaper than what we have, that's for sure.

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8 minutes ago, DirectorTseng said:

Here i loaded up my WL who is still in base new gear so you can see.



I can't post belt or bracelet since I don't have either yet. I'm halfway through Zaiwei on the yellow quest line and just got the earring. 



Can u show us please all Weapon Upgrades Material costs ?

would be great :)

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So basicaly, and sorry if i dont understand corectly, do you recommend me continue evolving (true breeze wep and true siren accs) or just farm gold in piece? From what i see now, just chill and wait will be better. I have barely time to study all that staff about MMO games. Your recommendations will be great.

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And now where the crying will begin...




3rd line you are seeing in the upgrade line is for the nebula stone that TW ran when they changed the lines and was doing the christmas event. So I didn't include those cause you want to really cry.. see the nebula stone upgrade mats for legendary.. 

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14 minutes ago, Lerialis said:

So basicaly, and sorry if i dont understand corectly, do you recommend me continue evolving (true breeze wep and true siren accs) or just farm gold in piece? From what i see now, just chill and wait will be better. I have barely time to study all that staff about MMO games. Your recommendations will be great.

Personally I stopped all upgrades about a month ago when TW released this and am just farming gold at this point. I knew it was only a matter of a few months before we would see a similar update so i've just full up stopped. 

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8 minutes ago, DirectorTseng said:

Personally I stopped all upgrades about a month ago when TW released this and am just farming gold at this point. I knew it was only a matter of a few months before we would see a similar update so i've just full up stopped. 

Thank you, this changes making me happy. 64bit, alt friendly and so can be also reasons for my friends to come back.

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5 minutes ago, Lerialis said:

Thank you, this changes making me happy. 64bit, alt friendly and so can be also reasons for my friends to come back.

On Na it will be a lot better, the prices for these mats are a hell of a lot cheaper here then TW. Just to give you an idea, moonstones are 5.6g, silver frost transformation stones are 12g, Premium silverfrost transformation stones are 609g.. then again gold is good there. for the most part bid start out just shy of AH price, you don't see much of this 1 bronze bids so 4 mans you can make bank. 

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7 minutes ago, DirectorTseng said:

On Na it will be a lot better, the prices for these mats are a hell of a lot cheaper here then TW. Just to give you an idea, moonstones are 5.6g, silver frost transformation stones are 12g, Premium silverfrost transformation stones are 609g.. then again gold is good there. for the most part bid start out just shy of AH price, you don't see much of this 1 bronze bids so 4 mans you can make bank. 

Sounds good. I just hope one of those changes will be larger and account wide bank :D. This, THIS, can make the game o lot more alt friendly.

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17 minutes ago, FUPayMe said:

I got a Question concerning the Acc. 

Anyone knows what happens to True Boss Acc u still can salvage em to legendary jewels after patch?


When I hover over the true acc in the item upgrade map (cause those that have them can still upgrade just new players don't get them) It shows it's still salvaged for legendary elements. 

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8 minutes ago, FUPayMe said:

maybe u can post the item upgrade map for acc?

U still can Upgrade ur accs when ur not at true boss after patch

If you already had the accessories you can still upgrade them to true boss exactly how we have now.. If you are a new player though you have to suffer through the freebie purple they give you that you can not upgrade until you can get legendary jewelry.  The accessories is confusing they didn't do it well.. 

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