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Begining BnS :D


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Hi everybody ! 


First of all i'm french so sorry if i don't speak very well, i come here because the french forum seem to be less active. 

I just begin BnS and i played some class to lvl 20 to see wich one i prefere. 

You understood, my probleme is to choose a class. 

I don't want to play BM or KFM, because i don't want to tank. I don't really like tanking. 

I have 100 to 120ms. 

I tried Summoner, Sin, FM and WL.

I really liked Sins but they seems really not ping-friendly, so is 120ms too much to be competitive ? i want to do PvE and sometimes PvP. 

I also liked WL, but i saw that this class is only needed for "soul burn" in groupe, but there DPS and survivability in solo...how are they? 

I'm saw that range class has less difficulties in this game. So i really enjoy WL, so does that class can be as strong as a FM in DPS?


Thank you for giving me advices ! (you can also talk about other classes i didn't try)

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You'll have a much easier time finding a party as a lock cause of sb, and they do good damage too. Overall a great class to choose. I personally prefer FM myself, but i'd suggest sticking with WL for now until you begin to accumulate good funds since it'll make it easier for you to find parties. SB is currently the best party buff in the game.

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There's no holy trinity in this game, so you can go BM or KFM even if you don't want to tank. I play a BD and I quite often tank myself, there's no problem with that. 

I do know however that KFM has an aggro skill, so maybe you should try some other class. I find all classes except Blade Dancer, KFM, Assassin and Warlock to be quite boring, so try one of those!

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Whatever class you feel comfortable with you should use. As was already said, there is no holy trinity of dps, tank, and healer. All classes can be played as dps. That said, when a blademaster or kfm enter a group some people may assume they want to tank. Summoners and soulfighters have a party heal over time but are not healers in the sense of other holy trinity games. Warlocks are have soul burn which is a great party buff which gets them into some parties where their stats are lower than requested by that party. The other buff parties like come from bladedancers and destroyers. These 2 classes have a grab skill that unlocks a powerful attack the rest of party not holding can use for the duration of the hold. All classes have their uses, so find what you like and go for it.

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BM is one of the better DPS er nowdays just saying while also tanky as hell.

Warlock has one of the HIGEST DPS in PvE but also reeealy squishy but makes up for it with the healing he gets from his AoE ability also one of the top PvP class after Assassin.

KFM is reeeeeeeeeeeealy hard to play and not as tanky and does not have the dps of a BM or Warlock bassicaly more effort less reward lol

Assassins are the Alpha and Omega of PvP and not realy hard to play needs some comboing and timing but waaaay easyer then KFm and waaaay more DMG

Destroyer.................... is junk in everyway in both PvP and PvE lol

FM is So-so

go with Warlock you wont regret it :3 you MELT both players and Mobs with it and sometimes feel more tankier then a tanking class once you talent on the healt regenf rom yur AOE ability.

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