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Is it too late to come back?


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I quit since March 2016. After Lunar New Year I don't have time to play anymore. Used to play 15 hours a day in a month (Lunar New Year for university students are long). Got full lvl 45 and Hongmoon lvl 5 i think... Then it became harder to grind because of advanced bots in PvP and stuffs. So I quit then I played China version, it was great. But I cant process because they're pay 2 win and I don't have money to upgrade lvl 2 Legendary sets. Required for end game raids. Then I tried Taiwan, the same as NA but more grindfest because they reached to highest level of Legendary. I spent 60$ or so and a lot of gold in NA to buy some cute outfits. I still love those outfits. 
The problem is. I know it's long ago so now no one is at lvl 45 anymore. And everything is around 750-780 AP requirements or so. People running around in NA with Legendaries and such...
Is it too late to come back? I can hardly play 2 hours per day. Maybe around 5 hours at weekends. I got a full time job now but money is still tight and ofcourse I cannot spend to catch up with Legendaries and stuffs.
The question is about the Community. Are they willing to help lvl 45 to catch up, Are there any good guilds that are willing to do it? Or the community is so toxic that new players and come-backers don't have a chance to survive? (Shouting at newbies for dying in hard raids with new mechanisms and high AP requirements that impossible for newbies). Cause the last time I remember playing this game the community was starting to get really toxic and all the things above showed up often.
Used to get 50 gold per day doing stuffs. And 1 outfit is around 25 gold. So now I think it must be 10 times more expensive.
Conclusion: Is there any hope at all? I don't know but I still love my outfits and I think beside Tera I haven't play any MMOs this long (15 hours per day in more than a month is really long and several months in China and Taiwan servers).

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It's never too late but the question is, how patient are you in actually gearing up? Do you expect to be fully geared within a month knowing that you don't have much time to play or are you fine with taking it nice and slow?

1 hour ago, Danteee said:

And everything is around 750-780 AP requirements or so.

Let me stop you here with this misconception. Nothing requires 750+ AP to do any dungeon in this game aside from maybe 4man Naryu Foundry but that's already way later content for you so you don't even have to worry about that. They're just people exaggerating to the extreme but I won't disagree with them that some AP requirements people put for a dungeon in their recruitment message is asinine.


Moving on; I'm sure you'll be able to find a clan that's willing to help you catch up to speed for current content but that all depends on your server. As far as doing dungeons, learning mechanics and such, from my experience some of the community is willing to teach you how to do certain dungeons but only as long as you actually mention ahead of time that you're new to the dungeon or say that you're new but you've took some time to look up and watch videos of said dungeon. From what I've seen, people only get mad if you go into a dungeon and act like you know what you're doing even though you're completely oblivious and cause party wipes.

But again, this is just from my experience from leveling my own characters as of recent.


Aside from all of that, getting to level 50 is easy since Story Quests gets you to there easily, making gold is easier since more dungeons to do.

In my opinion, it's not too late to come back and it's still enjoyable.

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from what i read , and correct me if i am wrong, u seems to be the kind of player that wants to stick to endgame as soon as possible.


my opinion is:

if you are really that kind of player, you will be disappointed , u may whine and lately u could quit again in anger.


so : from march to now  u are behind of a lot of stuff. consider u need new soulshields, and legendary ones are a really grind or RNG. there are legendary weapons more than stage 6 now (9?) and they costs a lot. there are pets, ultimate pets costs a lot.

there are legendary jewels: ring, necklage, belt and earring. they are HEAVILY RNG drop + costs a lot to upgrade.

what more?

there is a legendary pvp soulshield, farmable in 6v6 which is a whalefest. but not mandatory ofc. just for open pvp.

there are some HM skills, someone is fundamental for some classes. they are not that costly, but need time to farm them.


all in all, i can tell you that with 2h a day + 5-10h on weekend, consider that soon we get some other content.... i think an average time of 2-3 months minimum is required to you to reach "us".

aside heavy RL money investiments.


or u can drop 10k gold in windrest daily and maybe u can skip 1month .


my 2c

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4 hours ago, Danteee said:

I quit since March 2016. After Lunar New Year I don't have time to play anymore. Used to play 15 hours a day in a month (Lunar New Year for university students are long). Got full lvl 45 and Hongmoon lvl 5 i think... Then it became harder to grind because of advanced bots in PvP and stuffs. So I quit then I played China version, it was great. But I cant process because they're pay 2 win and I don't have money to upgrade lvl 2 Legendary sets. Required for end game raids. Then I tried Taiwan, the same as NA but more grindfest because they reached to highest level of Legendary. I spent 60$ or so and a lot of gold in NA to buy some cute outfits. I still love those outfits. 
The problem is. I know it's long ago so now no one is at lvl 45 anymore. And everything is around 750-780 AP requirements or so. People running around in NA with Legendaries and such...
Is it too late to come back? I can hardly play 2 hours per day. Maybe around 5 hours at weekends. I got a full time job now but money is still tight and ofcourse I cannot spend to catch up with Legendaries and stuffs.
The question is about the Community. Are they willing to help lvl 45 to catch up, Are there any good guilds that are willing to do it? Or the community is so toxic that new players and come-backers don't have a chance to survive? (Shouting at newbies for dying in hard raids with new mechanisms and high AP requirements that impossible for newbies). Cause the last time I remember playing this game the community was starting to get really toxic and all the things above showed up often.
Used to get 50 gold per day doing stuffs. And 1 outfit is around 25 gold. So now I think it must be 10 times more expensive.
Conclusion: Is there any hope at all? I don't know but I still love my outfits and I think beside Tera I haven't play any MMOs this long (15 hours per day in more than a month is really long and several months in China and Taiwan servers).



lol no, I quit around Jan 2016 and came back around Oct.  I caught up to alot of people. . .I was 518 AP when I quit.  Now I am 748 AP. . .I did have to grind but you should be able to get by if you do all purple dungeons above nexus.  Once you get 650, you should be able to 4 man a lot of the dungeon and you can make about 50G a day.

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