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Mites spawn


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The activity of MSP parties in some servers are pretty low, maybe in all of them i am not sure, however players are not actually doing MSP that much anymore.
I would like to suggest that you increase the chances of Magma spawning in MSP, so we can get our dailies done pretty please.

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It's easier to get mites after killing magma than getting magma in the first place, at least with my runs.


It'd be nice if mites or magma or both had more ways to spawn than JUST thrasher... there's been so many times where the majority of the raid just sits at thrasher since there's no reason to kill anything else once the other woodfiends have spawned. Runs will often boil down to 3-4 people running around clearing everything to spawn stuff since everyone else just kills grassquatches for their daily and then afk at the center or sits at the thrasher spawn point, then once the boss has spawned, people will leave thrasher midfight and head to the center instead of finishing off thrasher which makes the next stage go much faster... obviously, afkers are noticed and kicked but then you have to fill those spots and many won't join because they missed a stage or think the raid doesn't do enough dps for their tastes which causes the place to take even longer than it already does...


It's a pity stupid can't be fixed...

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