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How good is HM Rmb?


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Hi all,


I got a sin alt with 550 ap that has true breeze weapon and true siren accessoires. I'm tempted to buy the asura's ember to get my HM rmb. (heartstab) I allready have HM shadowslash but I don't have HM lmb yet. Is it worth it to buy it even though I don't have HM lmb? I'm primarily using lightning build. 

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20% reduced ending lag + 1 focus regen on critical hit + Dark Strike procs on Stunned/Dazed targets. So basically you can ani-cancel faster with it and makes your rotation faster and stronger. So yes, worth it.


HM LMB isn't necessary, it does nothing for Lightning Build and only makes Dark Strike proc more often (Venom Pierce proc is useless) but that bonus isn't exactly all amazing.

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14 hours ago, Shadovvv said:

20% reduced ending lag + 1 focus regen on critical hit + Dark Strike procs on Stunned/Dazed targets. So basically you can ani-cancel faster with it and makes your rotation faster and stronger. So yes, worth it.


HM LMB isn't necessary, it does nothing for Lightning Build and only makes Dark Strike proc more often (Venom Pierce proc is useless) but that bonus isn't exactly all amazing.

Then how about dark build? Is it worth using it without hm lmb?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/7/2016 at 1:40 PM, Natello said:

Okay thank you. I've bought the asura's ember to upgrade my dark build.

Well, if you wanna increase your dps. Then get HM LMB and use left side instead of right side. The more Dark Strike procs you get the more dps you have since that's your highest damage dealing ability. I'm at 65% crit chance and Heart Stab only crits about 70-75% of the time during a boss fight, while LMB crits about 80-90%. So you proc Dark Strike more often by having HM LMB.

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