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Stats Diskussion


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i know the minimum values for AP, Crit/Crit Dmg/Crit Def/Acc  ....but what about the other stats like willpower; health regenation; recovery; block; evasion; flame/frost damage;concentration; mastery and threat, what are the exact values for them?


Or arent they important for the present content?


Thx for help in advance.

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15 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

The other stats have no minimum, Its a matter of how you build your character and make the best of it. Some classes benefit more from block than evasion, some the other way around.

And SM benefits from Crit?

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Healing and defense stats depends on what you are doing. As damage dealer who rarely has aggro you dont need much healing or defense (because you should be able to evade the things which might hit you). Regneration is only nice to have because it wont save you fast after a critical hit. The over time heal is very nice especially for easier content (depends on your stats ofc). Together with amethyst your healing will be enough to heal minor hits. But even if you dont have any regneration it's not a problem. Onehits are onehits and the rest can be healed with skills and potions. Same with block or evade. Block might be more important for tank classes but in the end not THAT important. Really dangerous skills and onehits will hit you anyway.


Only focus on crit/crit damage/acc. HP will come automatically with better soul shields and thats it. All other stats aren't important in pve for now. Piercing is not useless ofc but you will have enough with upgraded gear.

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For many stats there is also no viable way to increase them.


- Evolved attack/defense can't be raised with gear and is based on your normal attack/def.

- Concentration is a mob only stat - players always have 0
- Mastery has 5 levels but you can only get a max. of 2 currently by using lvl 45 pvp gear wich will lower your other stats by a lot. It can be nice for some classes (more in pvp) but usually it's not woth the loss of other stats.

- Willpower also can not raised with gear currently

- Debuff Defense also has no gear


In PvE offensive gear is prefered to defensive so you usually go with the amount of defense/evasion/block you get from your upgraded gear.

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