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Target will lose 20% of their max focus on hit. You're basically draining the target's focus so they can't use their skills that requires it. I personally use it only against destroyers and blade dancers in pvp. For pve the focus damage effect does nothing on bosses, so no point specing t5 when using aoe rmb.

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6 hours ago, Elneth said:

Well when im solo i use it too mostly for Hp abso , but im trying to learn how to play with DV now :3

For now helix is the best for both dps and ease of use and will stay so even in high levels. I just use dragoncall just because i find it more fun and i have bad ping so the dps is about the same with both dark and ice build

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6 hours ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

For now helix is the best for both dps and ease of use and will stay so even in high levels. I just use dragoncall just because i find it more fun and i have bad ping so the dps is about the same with both dark and ice build

Well sometimes i switch to DC just for the lulz . Well i still haven't managed to do a good amount of dmg with helix even tho my ping is 100-130 ( according to bns) im still experimenting with builds :3

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9 hours ago, Elneth said:

Well sometimes i switch to DC just for the lulz . Well i still haven't managed to do a good amount of dmg with helix even tho my ping is 100-130 ( according to bns) im still experimenting with builds :3

you will need hongmoon skills. i thing ice build needs some damage buff to compete with helix in late game.

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6 minutes ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

you will need hongmoon skills. i thing ice build needs some damage buff to compete with helix in late game.

Well i am trying to get the chilling elixir now so i can unlock HM RMB for DV my helix is alrdy on stage 5 i dont think i need any other Hm skill :/ what do u have?


well ice build will be rly cool next patch with the new awakened skills ;D

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5 minutes ago, Elneth said:

Well i am trying to get the chilling elixir now so i can unlock HM RMB for DV my helix is alrdy on stage 5 i dont think i need any other Hm skill :/ what do u have?


well ice build will be rly cool next patch with the new awakened skills ;D

helix will be now spammed with  rmb and with new badge you can get that on every leach. The real fun oh dc build comes with the badge that reduces dragoncall cooldown by 6 sec if it crits.

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10 minutes ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

helix will be now spammed with  rmb and with new badge you can get that on every leach. The real fun oh dc build comes with the badge that reduces dragoncall cooldown by 6 sec if it crits.

Yeah new badge is pretty op for helix build!! Can't wait till i get it :3 ^__^

well i think dc will be mainstream when we reach JP's patch ^^ Nodah for example can literally spam hell of DCs

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7 minutes ago, Elneth said:

Yeah new badge is pretty op for helix build!! Can't wait till i get it :3 ^__^

well i think dc will be mainstream when we reach JP's patch ^^ Nodah for example can literally spam hell of DCs

yeah i watch his videos too. he himself told me that helix is always the superior one in dps in long fights but he uses dc to spam all he has the first 20 sec and finish fast cause dc has great first burst but has a big downtime after that.

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1 minute ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

yeah i watch his videos too. he himself told me that helix is always the superior one in dps in long fights but he uses dc to spam all he has the first 20 sec and finish fast cause dc has great first burst but has a big downtime after that.

Well ive heard him saying that when playing ^^ I was watching his strream yday wanted to know on which legendary to upgrade to so i asked him ;D

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Just now, Elneth said:

Well ive heard him saying that when playing ^^ I was watching his strream yday wanted to know on which legendary to upgrade to so i asked him ;D

for eu the choice is obvious since only the baleful path is triggered on hit.

Seraph has the best buff but its on getting hit and as warlock you cant take any hits.

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2 hours ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

for eu the choice is obvious since only the baleful path is triggered on hit.

Seraph has the best buff but its on getting hit and as warlock you cant take any hits.

Where as NA i see more seraph warlocks then i do baleful... that does show some mentality... right? right?? o.o 

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5 hours ago, Aerri said:

People tend to use seraph for the shorter leech cd. If your using dc build then seraph is the obvious choice. With the new soul badge seraph would probably beat baleful for dark build too.

Im going seraph... when i get that far.. shoter leech cd = more soul badge useage which = more damage output... right? My "math" isnt off is it? o: lol

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Well i dont know i think that getting resets and having some additional dmg isnt that bad :/ Plus increasing helix's dmg by 7% in stage 9 aint bad either :// Seraph on the other hand just decreases leech's cd core skill for our rotation but still baleful has much more to offer :// Correct me if i am wrong ^

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15 hours ago, Aerri said:

People tend to use seraph for the shorter leech cd. If your using dc build then seraph is the obvious choice. With the new soul badge seraph would probably beat baleful for dark build too.

Between leach cd and all skill cd i thing i know which is better but i wont go for any legendary yet.

1- to expensive and insane farming

2-baleful is the best for dps but its still to weak so i will stick to true Scorpio for now

3- im waiting for another legendary with better effects hopefully the dragon tiger path.

4-making a weapon that stacks effects on hit(not 100% guaranteed to get buff even when hit) in a game that is all about avoiding hits on a class that is as squishy as warlock is retarded at best and insane at worst. Only tanks in open pvp will get use out of this. Guys who have 3k crit def

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12 hours ago, Whiteflashkevin said:

Between leach cd and all skill cd i thing i know which is better but i wont go for any legendary yet.

1- to expensive and insane farming

2-baleful is the best for dps but its still to weak so i will stick to true Scorpio for now

3- im waiting for another legendary with better effects hopefully the dragon tiger path.

4-making a weapon that stacks effects on hit(not 100% guaranteed to get buff even when hit) in a game that is all about avoiding hits on a class that is as squishy as warlock is retarded at best and insane at worst. Only tanks in open pvp will get use out of this. Guys who have 3k crit def

+1 I totally agree with you , sooner or later we will get the next upgrade path , if i am right seraph's and baleful path will be the same so the output will be the same :3

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It doesn't matter if its pretty much impossible to get the reset from seraph. The only skill we would need to reset is (4) and V which leech does, and we get 20% extra crit dmg during siphon. This will beat baelful's minor increase to our (4) skill, not to mention the reset of baleful is random since it requires 10 rng stacks before you get the reset.

With seraph you get to leech faster and spend more time in siphon, which is when you become a machine gun especially with the new soul badge and future soul/mystic badges. 

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9 minutes ago, Aerri said:

It doesn't matter if its pretty much impossible to get the reset from seraph. The only skill we would need to reset is (4) and V which leech does, and we get 20% extra crit dmg during siphon. This will beat baelful's minor increase to our (4) skill, not to mention the reset of baleful is random since it requires 10 rng stacks before you get the reset.

With seraph you get to leech faster and spend more time in siphon, which is when you become a machine gun especially with the new soul badge and future soul/mystic badges. 

Resets on baleful happen pretty consistently at 30-45 seconds on 1 target and on multiple targets it's WAY faster.  Currently it's the better choice.

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7 minutes ago, Aerri said:

It doesn't matter if its pretty much impossible to get the reset from seraph. The only skill we would need to reset is (4) and V which leech does, and we get 20% extra crit dmg during siphon. This will beat baelful's minor increase to our (4) skill, not to mention the reset of baleful is random since it requires 10 rng stacks before you get the reset.

With seraph you get to leech faster and spend more time in siphon, which is when you become a machine gun especially with the new soul badge and future soul/mystic badges. 

You still dont get it that the reset resets all skills like the z resist skill and the (3)imprison skill and all the rest + the buff during 10 stacks gives a huge boost in dps. If u use helix build which has more hits per sec and is obviously the best for dps at the moment you will get the stacks really fast. There is a video showing how fast you can stack baleful with helix build. And helix has less advantage during siphon than dragoncall. The utility and dps is far greater with baleful at the moment.I wish seraph had stack on hit effect but like this is useless since the 10 sec buff after 10 stacks gives a lot of crit damage and crit chance which is another bonus of baleful.

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On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 11:38 PM, Aerri said:

It doesn't matter if its pretty much impossible to get the reset from seraph. The only skill we would need to reset is (4) and V which leech does, and we get 20% extra crit dmg during siphon. This will beat baelful's minor increase to our (4) skill, not to mention the reset of baleful is random since it requires 10 rng stacks before you get the reset.

With seraph you get to leech faster and spend more time in siphon, which is when you become a machine gun especially with the new soul badge and future soul/mystic badges. 

Well i dont think we should be thinking about the future but about the present state of the game. In the future seraph/baleful path will be fused and even if u have the first one or.the 2nd the final output will be the same . Plus i have seen many JP warlocks running with DC instead of Helix :/ Less cd on leech is really cool but seraph aint that much rewarding apart from the cd part :////

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