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exploit In Whirlwind valley


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What is be done about the exploit in whirlwind valley, where never lose a game. This was talk about during the live stream, it seem like everyone was ok with this exploit nothing was going to be done about leaving game never losing a game.  What the point of having ranks game if never lose a game. 

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On 2.9.2016 at 4:00 AM, Abarus4 said:

What is be done about the exploit in whirlwind valley, where never lose a game. This was talk about during the live stream, it seem like everyone was ok with this exploit nothing was going to be done about leaving game never losing a game.  What the point of having ranks game if never lose a game. 

The point is that BnS is a business.  6v6 is now ranking only to lure more people, cause before the last patch nearly nobody played it. Rewards make 6v6 now more attractive and to be successful and land into top 30 you need good gear, so you need to invest lot of time or just invest some cash. Dont forget that BnS is free to play, you dont need to pay any cent to play it, but the game must be somehow financed, everyone of BnS staff want his salary at the end of the months, licence /patches/servers/offices all must be financed and alone the premium membership is not enough to cover all the costs, thats why NcSoft find every time new ways to let ppl spend their money, nearly every events, winter/summer boxes, outfits, evolutions mats etc. are offered for cash.

The reason is why for Devs its not a problem, cause lot of leavers are ppl who spend lot of cash and for sure will do it in future and to ban such ppl is bad for business, also best choice just ignore it. And to be honest its not so big problem like most of people describe here. Maybe not rly fair to team mates but thats all and Ncsoft accept that. If you dont like it or it makes you mad or whatever, just don't go 6v6 so you get you peace. ;)

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44 minutes ago, Wentoxxxx said:

The point is that BnS is a business.  6v6 is now ranking only to lure more people, cause before the last patch nearly nobody played it. Rewards make 6v6 now more attractive and to be successful and land into top 30 you need good gear, so you need to invest lot of time or just invest some cash. Dont forget that BnS is free to play, you dont need to pay any cent to play it, but the game must be somehow financed, everyone of BnS staff want his salary at the end of the months, licence /patches/servers/offices all must be financed and alone the premium membership is not enough to cover all the costs, thats why NcSoft find every time new ways to let ppl spend their money, nearly every events, winter/summer boxes, outfits, evolutions mats etc. are offered for cash.

The reason is why for Devs its not a problem, cause lot of leavers are ppl who spend lot of cash and for sure will do it in future and to ban such ppl is bad for business, also best choice just ignore it. And to be honest its not so big problem like most of people describe here. Maybe not rly fair to team mates but thats all and Ncsoft accept that. If you dont like it or it makes you mad or whatever, just don't go 6v6 so you get you peace. ;)


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They are not going to ban people, but they haven't say anything about not fixing the problem and a fix for this is: leave=defeat=rank points lost (exactly like how arenas works).


And yeah is a real problem if everyone and their mother leave matches.

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23 minutes ago, Draelth said:

They are not going to ban people, but they haven't say anything about not fixing the problem and a fix for this is: leave=defeat=rank points lost (exactly like how arenas works).


And yeah is a real problem if everyone and their mother leave matches.

I doubt they will fix it, because there is nothing to fix, leaving team is a part of the game and 6v6 isn't an exception, even if it now a ranked. Ncsoft dont care about some ranking, the most things what it care is cash inflow cause as I explained its a business, dont try to find there a fairness or meaning you wouldnt, cause you aren't dev team.

And what will happen when everyone leaves?? Server crashed? Economical crisis?  Jim Carey get new US President ? Nothing will happen, people will continue to play, some unhappy ppl will for sure open here another hundreds threats and cry about leavers, that's all.

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7 hours ago, Wentoxxxx said:

I doubt they will fix it, because there is nothing to fix, leaving team is a part of the game and 6v6 isn't an exception, even if it now a ranked. Ncsoft dont care about some ranking, the most things what it care is cash inflow cause as I explained its a business, dont try to find there a fairness or meaning you wouldnt, cause you aren't dev team.

And what will happen when everyone leaves?? Server crashed? Economical crisis?  Jim Carey get new US President ? Nothing will happen, people will continue to play, some unhappy ppl will for sure open here another hundreds threats and cry about leavers, that's all.

Yes, there is something to fix, something that is already present in other rank modes (arenas).


Oh and if everyone leaves thats mean no match at all, games just close like happens in arena an no points/ranks for you, so yeah...

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6 hours ago, Wentoxxxx said:

Dont compare arena and bg, otherwise I start to compare a lion and an eagle. ;)

I just try to explain that if Dev said its ok than its ok, but some ppl are just stubborn, but who care... ;)  I'm just at office and somehow bored.


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