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Can't stay alive


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I've went through several guides and tried different low level builds to try and make this thing work.  I can't stay alive, even vs the same level mobs.  I especially can't survice 2 in a row.  With health pots and food so costly at this level, I'm just not seeing how people are getting this to work.  Advice?

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Is your weapon-level up to date? Most mobs should be dying long before you even get to half HP, even when using none of your defensive skills.


If it's not a problem with your weapon, try to make sure to make use of your 1, Q and E skills. Your other skills that say they stun/knockdown/daze an opponent are helpful as well, since the mob can't attack you during that time.

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I'm up to level 31 now, with working on upgrading my awakend  blight wep.  I'k on Gunma server.


The attacks, both ranged and melee, seem really slow.  It's starting get better, but I'm not able to do AOE... on purpose anyways.

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DONT use ripplepunch as your rmb in fm stance. Use snowball T2S2 with frostpalm T2S2 and you can spam lmb/rmb quit fast pull like 3-5 mobs and just a/d strafe all day while kill/kiting them. DONT use cobalt punch/breaking claw as your rmb in kfm stance! without high crit rate its just crap. Use right/left punch instead t4S3 for dmg or S4 for perma freeze/aoe. if you fight thougher enemys just charge them with 2 and knock them down with 4 emediatly, spam lmb/rmb/f. if they stand up stun them with 3. Make use of your q/e and if enemy is really a much hp guy back off with ss(specced to go fm stance) and kite him/make use of q/e and ranged cc. a life leech amethyst helps a lot while lvling too since sf got really good attack speed in kfm stance,

I ve lvled bm,kfm,wl, sin and sf so far and found sf quit easiest. you just need the right approach to the enemy typ and everything will run smooth ^^



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8 hours ago, Pestiferius said:


DONT use ripplepunch as your rmb in fm stance. Use snowball T2S2 with frostpalm T2S2 and you can spam lmb/rmb quit fast pull like 3-5 mobs and just a/d strafe all day while kill/kiting them. DONT use cobalt punch/breaking claw as your rmb in kfm stance! without high crit rate its just crap. Use right/left punch instead t4S3 for dmg or S4 for perma freeze/aoe. if you fight thougher enemys just charge them with 2 and knock them down with 4 emediatly, spam lmb/rmb/f. if they stand up stun them with 3. Make use of your q/e and if enemy is really a much hp guy back off with ss(specced to go fm stance) and kite him/make use of q/e and ranged cc. a life leech amethyst helps a lot while lvling too since sf got really good attack speed in kfm stance,

I ve lvled bm,kfm,wl, sin and sf so far and found sf quit easiest. you just need the right approach to the enemy typ and everything will run smooth ^^



thanks for this.  This makes it much more bareable and more to my playstyle at the moment.  At these levels, it's clear they took the squishiness from FM and maybe KFM (only played FM), while offering little to know defense or self-sustainment.  I'm not sure what their plan is with this character.  Worthy to play til 50 though, I believe.

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You are doing something very wrong if u are having issues with low lvl stuff... This game shouldnt be hard till you hit lvl 45 or Silverfrost Zone.


Anyway to play safe u should try playing with ur RB on the right side 4 points its good dmg very fast spam it freezes enemy in place so they cant move and it procs nice dmg skill on ur 2 + f


For PEW PEW stance take the RB with freeze stacks and same for LB and v with heal.


Also important is to use ur CC and block so important, left side tree best for you if u having a hard time lvling.

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7 hours ago, Airtaz said:

it's clear they took the squishiness from FM and maybe KFM (only played FM), while offering little to know defense or self-sustainment.

1 (specced for 3 sec CD), Qx2, Ex2, SSx2, C (can be specced for a small heal), X (though that comes at 42). On top of that, most of our other skills are CCs, which stop us from being attacked.


Not sure where you're getting the no defense/sustain from. We're actually one of the most defensive classes out there, besides the actual tanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/4/2016 at 9:17 PM, Airtaz said:

I'm up to level 31 now, with working on upgrading my awakend  blight wep.  I'k on Gunma server.


The attacks, both ranged and melee, seem really slow.  It's starting get better, but I'm not able to do AOE... on purpose anyways.

Your weapon is 11 levels out of date, that is probably a big part of your problem.


I've had some squishiness problems too, you have to make well timed use of Q, E, SS and 1, like KFMs do.  It definitely deserves a high difficulty rating, you have to learn enemy attack patterns so you can avoid them.

On 7/4/2016 at 1:14 AM, Pestiferius said:

I ve lvled bm,kfm,wl, sin and sf so far and found sf quit easiest.

I think that's probably your accumulated experience as a player as much as anything else.  You already know the right time to iframe things.

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While leveling, I used range form which worked out pretty good, high enough damage to get through dungeons and mobs fast until level 45. At level 45 is when I started using melee form. But if you wanna stick to melee because you can blow up mobs with super high damage, just focus on timing your Q and E correctly, also use your Counter once you come around and behind them they'll be frozen for about 2 seconds which should be enough to kill. Make use of your cc's and keep track of what abilities give you back focus. 

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