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Need a Yeti Guide for Dummies

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I've read the mechanics guides a few times, but after a couple tries yesterday I still die all the time on some sneaky stuff in that dungeon. I run and stand on a glowing patch and try to jump on the white circles. But there is something else even in the very beginning that disables the character and then one-shots it, and there is no warning for it with a white bar. And it always seem to go on with those disables. And then there is the whole sucking in toward the boss, I am not sure what to do with. 


I was wondering if there is a good illustrated guide, or a well annotated video guide that doesn't just show a happy group that flies through it but actually makes a point of showing what is that you are supposed to see in time to do... whatever it is you are supposed to do not to be one-shot 20 times in one fight.


I don't understand this dungeon at all, there seem to be too many layers of complexity, and all the guides just talk about cruxes, but I really don't even get to the cruxes. So, if anyone has a link to something very very detailed and really basic, that would be awesome.

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43 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

I've read the mechanics guides a few times, but after a couple tries yesterday I still die all the time on some sneaky stuff in that dungeon. I run and stand on a glowing patch and try to jump on the white circles. But there is something else even in the very beginning that disables the character and then one-shots it, and there is no warning for it with a white bar. And it always seem to go on with those disables. And then there is the whole sucking in toward the boss, I am not sure what to do with. 


I was wondering if there is a good illustrated guide, or a well annotated video guide that doesn't just show a happy group that flies through it but actually makes a point of showing what is that you are supposed to see in time to do... whatever it is you are supposed to do not to be one-shot 20 times in one fight.


I don't understand this dungeon at all, there seem to be too many layers of complexity, and all the guides just talk about cruxes, but I really don't even get to the cruxes. So, if anyone has a link to something very very detailed and really basic, that would be awesome.

So what happens is that the heat phase begins with Yeti taking in all the heat. After that, you get a debuff on your debuff bar that is a countdown to when you will be frozen. While frozen from this debuff, the yeti's big AoE slams will do ~60k damage to you (while not frozen I think it's only around 20k). To avoid getting frozen, you must grab a "heat buff" in one of the following ways:


Old (and unreliable) technique:

After he sucks in he heat, he will grab whoever has aggro and throw him -- you must run to the tank before he moves away from the yeti jumping at him to get heat from the tank. 


More common technique:

Tank must dodge the grab and the yeti will jump up to 3 times. After he lands on his first jump (you wait until his white cc bars under his health turn gray/black), you CC (preferably stun, as Knock Down can push that freezing timer to its limit) and then he will do a big yeti slam. When he slams he will create heat patch below him glowing red. You must step on this after you iFrame his big slam to avoid getting frozen. 



I have an assassin party saver guide that you can watch to learn some things. We use the more common technique with stunning the yeti. Take note that every time my guide says to "party save than iframe," you can save yourself by just iframing. You can also take note that every time I dodge a yeti slam, I do so with my melee range iFrame so that I can grab heat buff afterwards. 




Let me know if I can help any more. I also have a Force Master POV video I can turn into a guide with annotations if necessary.


If you need a second reference video without as much of a guide, my Force Master video shows me (as a ranged) running towards yeti after 1st jump during heat phases and after every yeti slam during cold phase too to make sure to grab the heat buff so I don't get frozen. 





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23 minutes ago, Nabzy said:

So what happens is that the heat phase begins with Yeti taking in all the heat. After that, you get a debuff on your debuff bar that is a countdown to when you will be frozen. While frozen from this debuff, the yeti's big AoE slams will do ~60k damage to you (while not frozen I think it's only around 20k). To avoid getting frozen, you must grab a "heat buff" in one of the following ways:

But what happens in the very beginning? I seem to lose a dragon heart really early on? before anything else is taking place?


Tank must dodge the grab and the yeti will jump up to 3 times. After he lands on his first jump (you wait until his white cc bars under his health turn gray/black), you CC (preferably stun, as Knock Down can push that freezing timer to its limit) and then he will do a big yeti slam. When he slams he will create heat patch below him glowing red. You must step on this after you iFrame his big slam to avoid getting frozen. 


I think it's this thing here:


so, I do run and step on the glowing patch but I think I miss the I-frame before that. What I am supposed to I-frame? I don't think it comes with a handy-dandy bar? How do I know when I need to activate an I-frame?

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2 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

But what happens in the very beginning? I seem to lose a dragon heart really early on? before anything else is taking place?

so, I do run and step on the glowing patch but I think I miss the I-frame before that. What I am supposed to I-frame? I don't think it comes with a handy-dandy bar? How do I know when I need to activate an I-frame?

Does your party members get grabbed because the only thing i can think of is that tank gets grabbed and no one stuns yeti after so his debuff freezes you which also kills you. This can be only saved by few skills and FM cannot do that. His party freeze doesn't work on the jump if people are already frozen.

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No, I think it is with the jumping yeti. They stun after the first jump, so nobody gets hurt, but me, so I am doing something wrong in the beginning to die (one time they attacked before I could get  the hearts). I am guessing it is that I-frame that has to come before the glowing patch.

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3 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

No, I think it is with the jumping yeti. They stun after the first jump, so nobody gets hurt, but me, so I am doing something wrong in the beginning to die.

You need to iframe the jump he does. Don't do it instantly after the stun but look at the yeti and do it as he's coming down.

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Just now, Lunakitty said:

You need to iframe the jump he does. Don't do it instantly after the stun but look at the yeti and do it as he's coming down.

So, the I-frame has to happen between the jump #1 and #2? And after the #3 it is the patch?

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2 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

So, the I-frame has to happen between the jump #1 and #2? And after the #3 it is the patch?

How yeti should be done at heat phase: He pulls everyone in, tank should avoid his grab by iframing it or going far away from yeti. This causes the first jump to happen. Once the slot open apply double CC. Yeti stops his combo and will jump again. This time the jump is to throw snowball at us. This is the jump you need to iframe. If there is one more jump during heat phase you will get frozen and die and only way to save yourself at this point is to use 5 second iframe skill such as summoner's X or BM/BD's HM block when there is only 1 second left of the ice debuff.

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3 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

How yeti should be done at heat phase: He pulls everyone in, tank should avoid his grab by iframing it or going far away from yeti. This causes the first jump to happen. Once the slot open apply double CC. Yeti stops his combo and will jump again. This time the jump is to throw snowball at us. This is the jump you need to iframe. If there is one more jump during heat phase you will get frozen and die and only way to save yourself at this point is to use 5 second iframe skill such as summoner's X or BM/BD's HM block when there is only 1 second left of the ice debuff.

Does the heat phase start straight away, as soon as you attack the Yeti? If not, how do I know it's the Heat Phase?

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29 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

But what happens in the very beginning? I seem to lose a dragon heart really early on? before anything else is taking place?

I started reading comments and I think some people are confusing you. Did you watch my video? You'll see that we stun the yeti right after he does a big wind-up jump after stun him -- THIS is the yeti slam. You need to iFrame that slam FIRST and then get the heatbuff afterwards. 

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Just now, Lunakitty said:

Heat phase starts at 90, 70-65 and 50 % of yeti's HP. He will jump to the middle and you will see text of "Yeti is absorbing the heat" or something like that. It will cause a pull to him which some people iframe or just get pulled to the middle.

Oh, okay. Is it okay to get pulled? It doesn't hurt you, right? I don't really have many I-frames, so I'd rather save them for when you get one-shot.


To make it completely clear (I am sorry I am dense), there is NOTHING I have to I-frame before the 90% health marker and the pull?

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1 minute ago, DomiSotto said:

Does the heat phase start straight away, as soon as you attack the Yeti? If not, how do I know it's the Heat Phase?

Heat phase starts at 90, 70-65 and 50 % of yeti's HP. He will jump to the middle and you will see text of "Yeti is absorbing the heat" or something like that. It will cause a pull to him which some people iframe or just get pulled to the middle.

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8 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Does the heat phase start straight away, as soon as you attack the Yeti? If not, how do I know it's the Heat Phase?

No. Heatphases begin when yeti reaches 90%, 70%, and 50% and he'll jump to the middle a "absorb heat" to begin these phases. Usually with parties that do more DPS than normal he'll do these a bit delayed.


Very rarely though, you'll see the yeti skip his 70% heatphase because the party had too much DPS (Ex: during first heat phase you got him down to 45% or something) so he began his 50% heatphase  immediately after the first one. 

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4 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Oh, okay. Is it okay to get pulled? It doesn't hurt you, right? I don't really have many I-frames, so I'd rather save them for when you get one-shot.


To make it completely clear (I am sorry I am dense), there is NOTHING I have to I-frame before the 90% health marker and the pull?

There is nothing you have to iframe before the 90 %. Just after he claps his hands he will jump doing AoE damage which hurts alot. Just don't stand under his butt when this happens. At heat phase you can get sucked in, it won't hurt but if you are the tank it'd be best to iframe it and avoid the yeti from grabbing and throwing you.

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19 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Summoner and Warlock. Though I don't think I should try it on a Warlock.

Warlock can use 9 or 12 second cooldown on SS and you'll still have enough time in between the Heat phase pull and the yetl slam to refresh the cooldown on SS to iFrame both.


Summoner can also SS both since it's on a 12 second cooldown.


If you watch my assassin guide above, just use your party seed shroud (5 second party immune -  4 --> F) ability every time my assassin uses "party decoy / party saver" ability. You will save yourself and the rest of the party. Otherwise you will need to ss every time I say don't use it. There may be other iFrames you can use too -- Can anyone who plays summoner elaborate on this please? I don't know the class well enough. I think your X Tier 2 Stage 2 resists 5 attacks for both you and your familiar. I'm not sure if those count on Red AoE attacks like yeti slam. 

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Domisotto, I'd say just work on making sure you can iFrame his big slams using your SS at least ( don't worry TOO about grabbing the heat buff at first -- if you iFrame the yeti slam he can't kill you while you're frozen). After you get that down, try to get the heat  buff afterwards. Using SS towards the yeti helps with this (looking opposite direction and casting ss -- it might be harder to time this way. Get used to the timing before doing this).

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Oh, I never was able to use SS as an I-frame except by accident, because it doesn't really have any duration of the DCD, you have to hit it just as the stuff about to hit you, so it's hopeless for someone like me. The X and the 4F are the only ones I can manage, I guess E as well, since at least it has an animation though I have no idea what its cooldown is :)


Thanks, guys. I guess at least I know now what I am supposed to try, but in the end of the day, this dungeon is just too hard for me.

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50 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Oh, I never was able to use SS as an I-frame except by accident, because it doesn't really have any duration of the DCD, you have to hit it just as the stuff about to hit you, so it's hopeless for someone like me. The X and the 4F are the only ones I can manage, I guess E as well, since at least it has an animation though I have no idea what its cooldown is :)


Thanks, guys. I guess at least I know now what I am supposed to try, but in the end of the day, this dungeon is just too hard for me.

What do you mean by DCD? 


Your ss has plenty of iFrame duration, you just have to practice it - don't give up that easily. It took me forever to learn to Q on my assassin. I never did it because I thought it was too hard, but after going back to it (after learning what iFrames actually were) I found it pretty easy to time with some practice. 

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1 minute ago, DomiSotto said:

Defensive cool-down. Just a lingo from my SWTOR past. I though SS doesn't protect you past the animation duration of the jump back.

It probably has a very short invincibility frame after the jump back finishes just like my assassin. My assassin's SS has very forgiving timing after it completes the jump back and will resist slightly after the animation. It's not that hard time, again, it just takes practice. Yeti might be one of the toughest bosses to learn, but once you get the mechanics down, it'll be a breeze. 


Did you watch the assassin yeti video I posted?

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1 minute ago, DomiSotto said:

not yet, on the account of being at work, but I will once I get home. Or before Yeti is on the challenge again....

I really think that video will clear up a lot of confusion and timing. Don't give up before watching that video a couple of times. Try setting the speed down to 0.5x speed where you seem to have trouble. It may seem very fast-paced otherwise. 

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