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Which soulshields, bracelet, belt?


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I am currently lvl 44 and using the profine jiangshi soulshield.

Are there any better ones around for an FM around my lvl?

Which ones should I try to get or will mine still last for a while?


I dont have a belt yet and no bracelet either.


I am looking for a bit of guidance, pushing in the right direction where it would

be good to go for these,

in my road from 44 to 50.

Souls are at 50?

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You should go and upgrade to BSH Soulshields first, then to Laby with BSH mixed with Mushin's Soulshield (Infinite Tower F8), then to Yeti, then to Naksun mixed with Yeti, then a combination of Asura and Yeti. The next update will release some new Soulshields.

Of course you can also go any way you want, for example: BSH>Yeti>Asura&Yeti.


For Bracelet and Belt, you should go and do Blackram Supply Chain (Poh6) and get you bracelet and belt there. You have to upgrade those.


As for Souls, you could get them now, but you have to farm Naryu Labyrinth until you get 80 Relic Pieces and spend some money on Honorary Ornaments which cost ~7gold each.

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Either you get full Bloodshade soulshields or soulshields that gives you over 30,000 HP, recommended 40,000.

At Lv44 in current updates, you shouldn't care about soulshield that much, just rush to Lv50 and maximize your Attack Power through the levels.


At Lv50, while farming Naryu relic pieces, you should also try to get Naryu soulshield for starter, this set of soulshields guarantee you 60,000+ HP. It is doable with 40,000 HP around and AP with 380 AP+, its a lv45 final heroic dungeon after all.

Like oZackisu said, get Siren bracelet and belt through Blackram Supply Chain.


Moonwater Soul and above is long term work, so if I were you, I'd focus my resources on weapons and accessories first.





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2 hours ago, Yashuoa said:


Edit:Full bloodshade comment is meant for lvl 45 or meant as also still good to get at 50?

Bloodshade can hold its own fine when lvling to 50 in my experience, but once you reach 50, then it's time to move on to better sets like Yeti and Asura.

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Don't worry about your accessories too much til you hit lv 50. If you've gotten your original accessories to infernals you're good. Once you're level 50 get yourself a siren belt from Poh6 and a Pirate Bracelet from BSH6. Both these need to be upgraded, but whether you use the pirate bracelet or not is actually a tough decision. If you manage to push your critical hit rate to 50% w/o the pirate bracelet, then you are going to want to use either a python bracelet or asura bracelet maxed with crit damage. It might sound weird to give up crit rate and attack power for crit dmg, but trust me it's better. I suggest equiping the oathbreaker bracelet (the evolved form of the pirate), but swapping it out inside the dungeon if you do. It'll help you meet higher ap party reqs. After I switched bracelets I saw my crits doing about 2k more dmg a hit and it only costed me 3% crit rate and a little ap.

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On 2016-05-21 at 11:38 AM, Yashuoa said:

I am currently lvl 44 and using the profine jiangshi soulshield.

Are there any better ones around for an FM around my lvl?

Which ones should I try to get or will mine still last for a while?


I dont have a belt yet and no bracelet either.


I am looking for a bit of guidance, pushing in the right direction where it would

be good to go for these,

in my road from 44 to 50.

Souls are at 50?

Once you start doing Sliverfrost you can get better soulshield do the first dungeon. It gives you the fend soulsheild and that should last till you to lvl 50. While leveling keeping the BRH everyday for the siren accessories so you can save it to upgrade your accessories later. It doesn't hurt to seeif you can upgrade you weapons using the Siren path (I doubt you have enough time as NCSOFT is removing the siren patch on June 01). You will die a lot in the beginning but that's ok. Is because your hp is low. I think even with 22k hp I still die a lot till I got about 32 to 33k hp. I am not sure how you can get the Priate accessories these days. I got some of the Pirate accessories before the SLiverfrost patch but I sitll use the cashship to buy some Pirate emblems since it was harder to get a group together.


I would use the Fend soulshield till you start getting BSH souldsheild, The purples lvl 50 dungeons souldsheild or even from Mushin tower. In terms of upgradding your accessories. I did my neclaces first, then barcelet (crt damage), Ring. Still need to upgrade my earnings and belt. I think I will do belt last since I don't die a lot and belt mostly gives you hp/defense boost. If I have to pick again I would upgrade my barcelt first due to the extra crt you get.

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