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Suggestion for a Moonwater merchant...


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In order to help players progress in Moonwater Plains onward, I think they could've made a merchant NPC with which you could trade Moonwater Refining Stones for items like :


- Moonwater Secret recipes


- Weapons/accessories from the "big four" Moonwater dungeons (as a few of them are needed to upgrade)


- Moonwater Transformation Stones themselves


I think this would work out since the refining stones are not only boss drops, but also are given from dailies and dynamic quest rewards, so no one is completely screwed over by the bidding system or RNG. It also means that even if you're horrendously unlucky with the things you need not dropping ever, you can still make progress towards a goal without seemingly being stuck.


This wouldn't be out of place either considering that they have merchants at E. Fleet and Nightshade Harbor that serve the same purpose.


Although I doubt NCSoft would ever do it....still, thoughts/suggestions on this idea are welcome.

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This is a great idea. I've been stuck for a long time because of Moonwater Transformation Stones, and to craft them I need Moonwater Tears and Moonwater Secret Recipe which costs about 20g+. This forces me to solo the blue dungeons as people bid very high on the items. 


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