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Assassin - Iframes?


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Lotus of escape does indeed have an iframe. It is initiated when the 'escape' part is cast and lasts while traveling to the flower as well as another sec once you reach the flower.

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No need to put skill point to get the iframe. If you put one point in it, you can reduce the cooldown and use it in more situation.


You also have an iframe on your flash kick (TAB on kd ennemies), that can be useful once in a while, maybe,


Also, if you have HM decoy, you can get a 2 sec iframe on counter. 

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4 minutes ago, Rajak said:

Lotus of escape does indeed have an iframe. It is initiated when the 'escape' part is cast and lasts while traveling to the flower as well as another sec once you reach the flower.

What stage and tier is that?

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  • Q: Shadow Dash, Sidestep Left.
    • Resists on use.
  • E: Shunpo, Sidestep Right.
    • Resists on use + Resists 0.5 seconds after use.
  • SS: Backstep.
    • Resists on use.
  • C: Lotus Fury Stage 1:
    • Tier 1: Resist on use.
    • Tier 3: Resists 2 seconds after the skill completes or is interrupted.
  • X: Smokescreen Stage 3 Tier 3.
    • Resists 0.5 seconds after entering stealth.
  • V: Lotus of Escape Base and Tier 1 Stage 1.
    • Resists on Escape Call + Resists 1 second after escape call.
  • Tab: Flash Kick (no one uses this because the skill itself sucks).
    • Resists on use.
  • 1: Shadow Dash Stage 1 Tier 5 (Hongmoon that isn't available).
    • Resists 2 seconds after entering stealth.
  • 2: Decoy Stage 1 Tier 5 (Hongmoon).
    • Resists 2 seconds on successful counter.
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