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Is this class any good?


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So I am playing WL rn and I enjoy it, I mean I find it waaay better than any of the other classes (as in the playstyle and stuff) but I've read the forums and apparently they do rubbish dps. I am a huge a noob at this game and just begun WL (I am lvl 12) but people say that WL has rubbish dps and thrall is also really bad. I like this class (my favourite) but I don't want to play a class that isn't respected/good. So should I keep playing him?


Also I don't mean to be obnoxious but plz don't say "there is no best class, play the class you want!" I just really want an answer if this class is any good or if I should try something else, also is there a chance in another update that this class will be buffed?

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I'm not really sure why anyone would say that warlock has rubbish dps... They're not the TOP, that's true, but they're fine. Been maining warlock since the release and I think it's a decent class for PvE. I'd say warlock's DPS is mid tier (DPS meter on korean servers does indeed confirm that warlock is mid tier, but they have HM skills unlocked and high HM levels so it's not the same as here atm). Also, most groups are happy to have a WL for the soulburn buff.  

PvP on the other hand is a different story, but then again... WL is fine for mid rank PvP, although it does arguably require more experience than some other classes (some of which aren't respected by the majority due to ''being easy''). 

All of the classes are constantly getting skill changes so it's more than likely that WL will get buffed in the future, especially with the amount of people complaining about it on korea/JP (regarding high tier PvP).

Also on a side note, we don't have a DPS meter yet, and quite a lot of talk about DPS can often be plain speculations or inaccurate tests (different player skill, different gear, missing core HM skills and so on). 

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in pve warlock is a very good class.. not the best dps but its a very useful class... its a glass cannon and with good crit and can keep spamming F then ur 4 ... its a nice class altho i find it a bit boring since i main bm which have more skill variation.. but all in all.. a good WL is always wanted in a pt and WL is not discriminated for any pve content =D 


pvp wise.. if u wanna compete in the top 50 in the whole server than might be a bit hard but doesnt mean it impossible//  at a normal average pvp.WL is not that bad till the point that u lose 80% of the game// as long as u know what u're doing and how to react to other class u can still play well

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13 hours ago, Pestiferius said:

PvP...wel propably weakest class atm.

PvE pretty nice as soon you get HM dragoncall book, not top dps but quit high. Without the book wl sucks ^^ Very usefull for grp with soulburn.

KING of AOE dmg !

you need the book at high crt otherwise still uesless.

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