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Be tahnkful for a good tank


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yeah, praise can be rare.

Recently I went down tanking Ice Mane and we hit enrage with the boss on 100k HP left. I said sorry for the tank fail and got a "Na, it's ok" - that was the highest praise I had from a random pick up group in weeks. :P

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As a BM I dont really need your thanks, what I need is for you to just let me hit the boss/mob first and block his first attack against me. Once this happens you can go ham, if you go ham before this I will be a melee dps and you can be the tank. I do not have a taunt and 5 point has a long cd / does not always get aggro, and I will not fight you for aggro. 


If you let me get my threat buff up on pull tanking is no different that playing melee dps and that is what I signed up for, NOT TANKING. KFM and BM really need a tank label on character creation screen for NA, just due to expectations here. BM being the funnest class in game, I would have ended up maining bm anyway. I certainly would not have picked it as my first character had I known it was expected to tank. 

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10 minutes ago, KatHead said:

As a BM I dont really need your thanks, what I need is for you to just let me hit the boss/mob first and block his first attack against me. Once this happens you can go ham, if you go ham before this I will be a melee dps and you can be the tank. I do not have a taunt and 5 point has a long cd / does not always get aggro, and I will not fight you for aggro. 


If you let me get my threat buff up on pull tanking is no different that playing melee dps and that is what I signed up for, NOT TANKING. KFM and BM really need a tank label on character creation screen for NA, just due to expectations here. BM being the funnest class in game, I would have ended up maining bm anyway. I certainly would not have picked it as my first character had I known it was expected to tank. 

Ive also gone that route, if you pull agro of my KFM, i expect you to tank it like a boss for me.


Too many ranged DPS's think its cool to pull agro and make my life harder.

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I am always thankful to the tanks in my clan, especially when I'm running Yeti/Asura, don't ever enter those dungeons w/o them.


But I am also always thankful for having a smooth run regardless who I run with.


As a FM, when you see me on standby at first, that's me trying to give tank time to establish aggro. Not taking a break, that just comes with the job. :)

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