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Bloodshade Harbor - Venomous Thrasher

Lili Fox

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Hello everyone,


Any "EXPERIENCED" player can explain his mechanism? Cause i see a lot video in lvl 45 and 50 cap they solo / duo this DG, and we can not pass him with somehow. We tried:

Summoner - Destro

Summoner - WL

Summoner - BM

But always enrage, no matter how fast we dps him. Once he drop down to 74% he jump up, then he come down, and after 4% down he jump back again, then down. We manage to took him down around 30-34% then he jump back again, and then enrage. 3 jump and enrage i know this, and i also know how to destroy the eggs, how to get dmg boost buff at him. We did time the first jump and always was different, so not time base. With 6 man pt we killed him before he jump up once. WTF is this...

Did not found any info yet, what are we doing wrong, why is Thrasher jump bcak so early after the first jump. :(((



nubs who was in this dg few times only, ignore this topic, want info and not guessing stuffs. ty



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The issue here is with the Thrasher's enrage bug that used to be there.

The videos you've watched of people solo/duoing are from prior to the patch that fixed the bug.

It was patched recently so it is no longer possible to solo him unless you can put out godly damage equal to having 2 or 3 other people in your party to kill him before enrage timer comes up.

If you watch those videos again, you'll see that enrage timer will come up eventually on top of his hp bar and he'll just stand there and scream for rest of his life when timer starts rolling with "-" in front of the number.

When that happens, you're supposed to get 1 shot (3 of 1 shot deaths if you took 2 dragonbloods xD) as you failed to kill the boss within the given time limit.

However, Thrasher had a bug where his enrage mode wouldn't damage the players at all and he would just stand there and scream till he gets killed.

That's how people were able to just kill him through his enrage time and go on with rest of the dungeon.

I tried soloing him after the recent patch and enrage now works as intended, I can't kill him as time will be up and he'll enrage when I get his hp down to 30%.

I have 534 AP with 57% crit rate (forgot my crit dmg %), and that's how far I've gotten before he enraged.

So I'm not sure, maybe people with 600+ AP with higher crit dmg stat might be able to do it...?

People kill him fast in 6 man with either kill him before he goes up or after the first jump because it's 6 people dishing out damage at the same time, not just 1 person.

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Destro (awakened pirate 52% crit and 469 ap) with bm friend (true pirate around 500 ap and 50% crit) we can duo no problem without enrage. Now from your post idk what to say since theres not much info about it only that you cant clear no matter what time ;A; Are u for sure always cleanse the 1 min parasite buff?


Maybe share what gear you got and the buddy? I'm not sure what to tell you otherwise D: also for combo with destro he can keep grabbing him in the air to prolong the time before he goes up, not sure for other classes.

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With 2 man u can easily shoot him down, 1 man kill eggs and other one shoot on boss. This will give u more time to do dps. 


Old videos as said already are just not actual as enrage now ignores the immunity from siren belt.



Btw im able to do it solo again with 580AP just a bit CC and of course u have todo smt against the life reg ;)

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On 2016. 04. 16. at 8:52 PM, Vivien said:

The issue here is with the Thrasher's enrage bug that used to be there.

The videos you've watched of people solo/duoing are from prior to the patch that fixed the bug.

It was patched recently so it is no longer possible to solo him unless you can put out godly damage equal to having 2 or 3 other people in your party to kill him before enrage timer comes up.

If you watch those videos again, you'll see that enrage timer will come up eventually on top of his hp bar and he'll just stand there and scream for rest of his life when timer starts rolling with "-" in front of the number.

When that happens, you're supposed to get 1 shot (3 of 1 shot deaths if you took 2 dragonbloods xD) as you failed to kill the boss within the given time limit.

However, Thrasher had a bug where his enrage mode wouldn't damage the players at all and he would just stand there and scream till he gets killed.

That's how people were able to just kill him through his enrage time and go on with rest of the dungeon.

I tried soloing him after the recent patch and enrage now works as intended, I can't kill him as time will be up and he'll enrage when I get his hp down to 30%.

I have 534 AP with 57% crit rate (forgot my crit dmg %), and that's how far I've gotten before he enraged.

So I'm not sure, maybe people with 600+ AP with higher crit dmg stat might be able to do it...?

People kill him fast in 6 man with either kill him before he goes up or after the first jump because it's 6 people dishing out damage at the same time, not just 1 person.

I do not care bug abuser videos, i saw them, but it not that what we are looking for. It is not that what i asked, and i saw sum+destro duoed it at lvl 45 cap, andthey kill it before enrage time. Ok if u shoot him with gun, does it make his HP regen slower, or only effecting on fall down and not only jump down?



Manage to kill him. i am not sure, but if u shoot him, then looks like HP regen is slower. So got enough time to DPS him. U can see my set on NET search on my name. 504 AP, and 50%+ Crit rate 184%+ crit dmg


Second edit:

Cleared without any problem, rest of the dg was ez compare to thrasher...

Second boss was so anoying. Enrage but the dmg was so low. Was easy to outheal with summoner. o,O Soft enrage.

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12 hours ago, Lili Fox said:

I do not care bug abuser videos, i saw them, but it not that what we are looking for. It is not that what i asked, and i saw sum+destro duoed it at lvl 45 cap, andthey kill it before enrage time. Ok if u shoot him with gun, does it make his HP regen slower, or only effecting on fall down and not only jump down?



Manage to kill him. i am not sure, but if u shoot him, then looks like HP regen is slower. So got enough time to DPS him. U can see my set on NET search on my name. 504 AP, and 50%+ Crit rate 184%+ crit dmg


Second edit:

Cleared without any problem, rest of the dg was ez compare to thrasher...

Second boss was so anoying. Enrage but the dmg was so low. Was easy to outheal with summoner. o,O Soft enrage.

No need to be snappy, I was just providing an information that you might have missed as you didn't mention that you were aware of the enrage bug or not.

Because you didn't say anything about the enrage bug part, I assumed that the videos you've watched were from the older ones where people took advantage of it.

You also didn't mention about what your gear/stats are on the first post, I didn't know what your in game name is or if it's same as your forum name to look it up, therefore another guess on maybe dps was little low.

Now that you've provided more information about your character + what you already know (a bit late), I see that my information wasn't that necessary.

Congratz on killing him.

I'm not able to solo him yet, maybe I'll give it a shot once I get higher AP as I'm still at about 534. Until then, I'll have to stick to doing duos.

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On 2016. 04. 18. at 11:56 PM, Vivien said:

No need to be snappy, I was just providing an information that you might have missed as you didn't mention that you were aware of the enrage bug or not.

Because you didn't say anything about the enrage bug part, I assumed that the videos you've watched were from the older ones where people took advantage of it.

You also didn't mention about what your gear/stats are on the first post, I didn't know what your in game name is or if it's same as your forum name to look it up, therefore another guess on maybe dps was little low.

Now that you've provided more information about your character + what you already know (a bit late), I see that my information wasn't that necessary.

Congratz on killing him.

I'm not able to solo him yet, maybe I'll give it a shot once I get higher AP as I'm still at about 534. Until then, I'll have to stick to doing duos.

Cause the enrage bug alredy fixed a while ago, and to be honest BUG ABUSE is illegal in any case in all game, where i was playing before, and never realy care that. If ppls can do it without bug abuse, then other ppls can do it as well. I was look after a proper mechanism, and bug abuse is not a proper or non proper mechanism. It is just a game BUG nothing else. If i were look after Enrage bug, i write that one, but easyer to not write, just search for ir, and u will have some resoult i am sure.


Well ppls can take a try, since my forum name can be a char name as well, since it is not"lkdfjgblskdgjb" :) but u are right. I did not wrote it, cause i feel it is not nessesery to know anything about my gear, since i was asking about the mechanism not about do we have enough DPS or not.

Other thing my friend come with his alt char BM what is kinda fresh char. What i am mean on Fresh char? Not even have infernal accessorys, AP is 400, crit rate is like 30, HP like 58-60K with Lab SS. :))) We beath that MOFO Lizard, but still not sure why we could this time. After first jump, he did not wanted to jump back that fast. I am still guessing, cause this time we shoot him with guns like crazy. Seams if u shoot him, it decrase the dime what he spend on top, so decrase the "Immune and HP regen" preiod as well. Again i am just guessing, cause we did not stopwatch that hanging time.




Edit: Typo

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17 hours ago, Lili Fox said:

Cause the enrage bug alredy fixed a while ago, and to be honest BUG ABUSE is illegal in any case in all game, where i was playing before, and never realy care that. If ppls can do it without bug abuse, then other ppls can do it as well. I was look after a proper mechanism, and bug abuse is not a proper or non proper mechanism. It is just a game BUG nothing else. If i were look after Enrage bug, i write that one, but easyer to not write, just search for ir, and u will have some resoult i am sure.


Well ppls can take a try, since my forum name can be a char name as well, since it is not"lkdfjgblskdgjb" :) but u are right. I did not wrote it, cause i feel it is not nessesery to know anything about my gear, since i was asking about the mechanism not about do we have enough DPS or not.

Other thing my friend come with his alt char BM what is kinda fresh char. What i am mean on Fresh char? Not even have infernal accessorys, AP is 400, crit rate is like 30, HP like 58-60K with Lab SS. :))) We beath that MOFO Lizard, but still not sure why we could this time. After first jump, he did not wanted to jump back that fast. I am still guessing, cause this time we shoot him with guns like crazy. Seams if u shoot him, it decrase the dime what he spend on top, so decrase the "Immune and HP regen" preiod as well. Again i am just guessing, cause we did not stopwatch that hanging time.




Edit: Typo

Like I said, not giving enough information about the situation and what your stats are while asking other people's opinions can lead to answers that you already know because WE don't know what you have so we have to assume based on the things you only mentioned on your first post.

That's why I mentioned that enrage bug because you didn't give enough information about yourselves.

Without knowing what you had, all I can guess is either you didn't know about the enrage bug and didn't have enough dps to pull it off or not doing some of the mechanisms right.

You come to forum asking for help on how to solve a problem, I simply answered from what I thought based on your post so like I said, no need to be snappy about it.

As you mentioned, I guess 400 AP is good enough for duo, gratz on the kills with your friend.


This game has a lot of dailies to complete if you want to maximize your gold earnings each day and they're time consuming so I haven't really found much time to duo with someone, I'm still trying to see if I can put out enough dps while doing it solo hahaha

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Still od not understand how come my set for my post about asking what is the dg mechanism on Thrasher... Trasher is doing always the same iven if u have GM set or u are naked... Set have nothing to do with the mechanism at all dude...



Any "EXPERIENCED" player can explain his mechanism?

To be honest, i kinda stopped doing dailes. After u did them like 999999 tiems it is sooooo boreing.... :(
The game is full of BOT everywhere. Misty, SSP, PVP Arena, and also full of hacker now. So many perma stealth hacker summoner on PVP arena. Speedhacker PVP Destro BOTs, Speedhackers doing SSP meteor and corpse farm. Dunno why the game providerdo big nothing against them. But this is Off topic

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1 hour ago, Lili Fox said:

Still od not understand how come my set for my post about asking what is the dg mechanism on Thrasher... Trasher is doing always the same iven if u have GM set or u are naked... Set have nothing to do with the mechanism at all dude...


To be honest, i kinda stopped doing dailes. After u did them like 999999 tiems it is sooooo boreing.... :(
The game is full of BOT everywhere. Misty, SSP, PVP Arena, and also full of hacker now. So many perma stealth hacker summoner on PVP arena. Speedhacker PVP Destro BOTs, Speedhackers doing SSP meteor and corpse farm. Dunno why the game providerdo big nothing against them. But this is Off topic

Well the answer was already in your first post then, there's no different mechanism than what you said you've tried. Just shoot him down with 1 person to try to get it down as fast as you can while someone else shoots off the eggs so they don't hatch and CC as much as you can to keep him down, that's all there's to it. You figured that out on your own eventually, so I assume this topic is done now.

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