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Catch up? ALT / Re-roll impossible?


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Do other contry servers have any way of catching up an alt? I know we just had a recent "back to back" expansion, but, I can't possibly ever retold and catch back up...


The amount of time (which I throughly enjoy) is immense to get decent gear.


Alts seem a lost cause.

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Only thing I find hard to grind for an alt is achievement points :x

Most other stuff for alt can be bought with gold you farm on your main - an alt with true profane weapon and awakened infernal accessories is more than enough to hit 50 and start farming BSC/BSH for upgrade items (emblems) to go into siren/pirate stages and Naryu for soulshields

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Wish it was easier to get bare minimum gear for 50.

Took me a bit of time but I now have 501 BD main and 445 KFM alt. Doing the x3 level50 purple dailies on both seems like a decent income / day.

But I have my 45 Wl and Fm that I think I have to leave behind


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Alt and re-roll will be possible once they stop the aggressive release schedule (in order to be eligible for world's championship). Normally we would stale 2-3 months in each content update we got up to now. Double/triple the time you have to spend to gear up for the next patch and you have the time for an alt, but right now, it's almost impossible unless you're really dedicated or hardcore on this game.


Since DECEMBER act VII update, Korea only got one Dungeon update (infinity Tower), which means at least 3 months stalling in the same area. Which  also means that, under normal circumstance, we would have a good 3 months at least to gear up in the new silverfrost content Part 1.


TL;DR we will have time, just not now.


EDIT : Korea did Gear/dungeon update in June, September than December. It's always about 3 months for gear in each ''end-game'' for them. Right now we barely have 3-4 weeks to do what they have to do in 3 months

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I think for the level of grind in this game accessories should be account bound not soul bound. Yeah it would be annoying constantly mailing because there's no account bound vault tab but for those of us (and probably the majority) that want to multi-class it would be nice but it'll never happen unfortunately. That would seriously dig into their profits when people feel pressured to max stat just to not get hate while they're trying to have fun and enjoy the game.

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I left my lvl 45 HM 5 Summoner to create a Warlock who is now lvl 50 HM4 and already 60AP higher than the summoner.  Gearing up my Summoner I had to pay 5 gold for Viridian Trans Stones and up to 14 gold for Moonstone Trans Stones.  It is actually MUCH easier to gear up your 2nd character than the first just because of those price drops.

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