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If character pictures aren't making a return....


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2 minutes ago, marshmallow said:

Just let us know and do everyone a favor by removing the whole profile feature, thanks.

^ This.


Or at least revert it back to how it was during Alpha/beta days. :/

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As much as everyone would love a conclusion to this, they wont' give us one lol. We will have to keep waiting without a single word about this topic. The most they will probably will tell us is to just wait for news about it. But hey, maybe they will say something? It's almost been a month after all............

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Idk why they even decided to go with this sandbox thing :/ liked it much better when you clicked a players name and it showed the 3D model of what they were wearing and such. Honestly  I think they should just do away with it go back to the way it was before.  

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