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Tier list now and at 50?


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4 hours ago, nunopitbull said:

Destros weak in 50? xDDDD

Asasin is the easiest and strongest atm.Most people rolled to assassin.



Blade dancer


Kfm ( easy as hell if you have good ping )

Rest are crap.


Edit : Why did i quote that noob ...

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2 hours ago, Sokucu said:

Asasin is the easiest and strongest atm.Most people rolled to assassin.



Blade dancer


Kfm ( easy as hell if you have good ping )

Rest are crap.


Edit : Why did i quote that noob ...

You are absolutely full of shit. 

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Plat asassin talking ... never lost to a destroyer once.Main char destroyer btw.

Just because you noob get 100 - 0 ed by average destroyers doesn't mean destroyers op.

Now go cry in some corner.

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Yo, Plat Destroyer and KFM here. My Rating is:

S Tier: All classes.
A Tier and below: None.

Honestly, people who ask this kinda shit just want to roll the "best class" and get easy wins, but it doesnt work like that. You can and will get shit on by everyone in Diamond. I even got rekt by a Diamond BM last preseason, where they were supposed to be trash. There is no best class. And there is balance at the top level of ranks. Pick what you like to play.

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I will offer my opinion of the class potential. The ones presently excelling, the ones which perform fine any level, and the ones which fall off at high ranks. That is not to say that you can't succeed with the bottom group, or that the top group will offer automatic wins.


Excelling: Kung Fu Master, Assassin

Performing: Force Master, Blade Dancer, Blade Master

Dwindling: Destroyer, Summoner, Warlock


A few explanations are in order:


  • Kung Fu Masters and Assassins both have very strong neutral game (//EDIT: or you could argue that Assassin doesn't so much have a good neutral game as it automatically claims an advantage upon entering the arena) and a massive damage combo which generally does not require losing other skills or sacrificing your defensive maneuvers. Defeating a good Assassin requires near prescience of their frequent swap combo (which cannot be avoided except by iframes), and on top of their best-in-the-game defensive abilities, they also get 50% RNG evade just to rub salt in the wound. Good KFMs are downright infuriating, since they are usually immune to attack, using a CC, or both -- and 3 successful evades means 6 seconds of 100% evade, letting them tee off freely. Assassins and KFMs are both able to use attacks while in iframes, giving them zero-risk combo starters. These strengths put KFM and Assassin a cut above.
  • Force Masters, Blade Dancers, and Blade Masters are really the balanced middle group. They all have strengths and weaknesses. FM has a wide variety of defensive actions as well as massive health regen, but can't counter from down status and has long cooldowns on its counter/deflect actions. BM has a lot of high-damage combo opportunities, and of course block, but its combo attacks lack protection and can often be interrupted, and BM cannot get a second stun/daze break. You can very much win a worldwide tournament with any of these -- the Korean S1 and S2 tournaments last year were won by FM and BD.
  • Destroyer, Summoner, and Warlocks aren't necessarily bad, but they all require too much from their opponent. Destroyers are heavily dependent on their punish game to make up for their awful neutral, meaning a good players who makes too few mistakes can win no matter how the Destroyer plays. Summoners no longer have their strong matchups against Assassins and Blade Masters, and they end up needing their opponent to make many mistakes to balance their weak defenses -- unlike FMs, they can't roll through 5 different defensive actions. Pre-nerf Warlock was basically a giant bullshit machine to KFMs and FMs especially, but I don't see Warlock really winning out like it did.

Again, I want to emphasize that these are small handicaps one way or the other. You can reach diamond on any class, and no class is going to automatically plant you in the top 100.

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