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I am the only one who got always the strongest class for opponent? [RAGE]


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Man i totally i cant belive this... im assassin (gold rank) and these classes i usually get for opponent: Blade dancer, Force master, Destroyer


What kind of joke is this... Destroyer and blade dancer usually just spin to get me out, and fm just freeze the shit :D

Well ofc there are situations when i can win  but the most annoing is ALWAYS get the stronger class... why is this?


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id watch some videos about fighting those particular classes. 3 of the top five ranked players currently are sins so definitely isn't a class balance issue.

You could always be a 100% avoidance sin for ez cheese wins but there's no respect in that. lot of it is positioning. when to be aggressive and when to backout temp.

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In what instance does a BD's spin get an Assassin out of stealth?  As a BD, I have never hit a good Assassin with spin while they were stealthed because they know to stay away.  There's this thing called the WASD keys that you can use to change your position relative to your enemy's.


In other news, why did Arena pit me against a Gold Warlock when I was at 2099 ranking?  I got into Diamond by beating a Gold-rank player...

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Well . Listen closely - amongst other few techniques you can learn , and other secrets you shall reveal during your journey , there is one 

very dark secret you should know about . Every time you are encountering a defeat , keep in mind it is only for one very dark and very secret reason : 

You , my friend - you are the chosen one ! 

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