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Blade Dancer or Blade Master?

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This question probably has been anwsered hundred of times, but tbh im stuck on which one to choose. ive reached level 49 with my WL, but somehow its feeling bit sluggish and i feel like playing a swordman class. which one of these do you guys think its fun ? i know that BM is tanky and BD is more damage, but still i feel like asking opinions since i haven't played both at a high level. just don't wanna feel like im doing no damage.

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BD is an easier class to play than BM in my experience of people playing both classes. They have similar playing styles, and both can do MEGA damage. BD is just easier all around in PvE & PvP. I have known someone who can rock a BM very well, but I have not known many. Also, I would take into count would you rather be playing a human character or an animal. Some people are against the lyn or how outfits look like on them. I would try out BD first, and at level 20 or lower see if you still like it or not. Both are really fun classes, but the swords are not what I like to play best.

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For endgame stuff, I get the feeling that BM is more useful due to its tanking abilities, though I also get the feeling it doesn't really help with your feeling of doing no damage. In that regard, BD might be a better pick.

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