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new 45 BM, getting killed a lot in pvp arena

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hi i am a new level 45 Bm, i have tried pvp arena for a couple of days, and it is not so good, i prob won like 7/8 of my matches but loses like 38-40. I play in NA region.


I do not have good ping tho, i live somewhere in SEA but i do use tunnel programs like WTfast, typically i average between 180-230 ms altho i cant be 100% certain since i only use resource monitor to check the ping. A huge problem i faced is i do not understand a lot of things, like when to tab escape and whats not, and i think a personal skilled pvper to point out my mistakes would be nice, i do watch videos but while they are helpful in understanding my opponents it does not change the fact i still find it hard to see my mistakes e.t.c.


Some of my worse matchups: a destroyer, airjump on me, stuns me and spam the red circle spin thing which i know by now i must avoid but i couldnt and 100-0 me since i cant even escape, a fm kites the living shit out of me spamming 6 fireballs with some ice freezing  and by the time i reached the fm through charge almost 1/4 of my life is gone, a KFM just constantly counters me and i dont even know what to do.



If anyone here loves being helpful and is not discouraged by what i said please let me know your ingame name and availability time so i can duel you and hopefully you can point out my mistakes. Thanks

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blade master takes a lot of practice and undertsanding of all classes and their mechanics, you also need fast reflexes and reactions on your opponent, or you could just play summoner and faceroll to platin ranking.

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BM is the class requires more effort and knowledge to be played at a decent level.

You should tell us on what region you play. EU or NA.

The DS jump can be blocked. The fire spin (Typhoon), well you'll need to backstep (SS), if you spec your backstep it will put you in draw stance, in draw stance I believe you move a bit faster than normal. Don't ever run backward, it's slower than side or front running. You can stay a bit in the red spin if you Q, wait a bit then E, wait a bit, then SS. It might helps if you're SS is on CD, (and make them waste a bit of focus). Most DS will spec their Typhoon in T2F3, which stun you if they hit you 5 times. 
Before tabbing you might want to see what your opponent is doing (might be hard with your ping though).

Against FMs, well if you're snared, you can SS, Q, E, Cyclone, Flash Step, to get out of the snare (it removes them). If you spec your block in T2F2, you can Parry/Deflect for 0.5, meaning if you block an attack within the first 0.5s of your block, it will stun them for 2 secs. 
Spec your Soaring Falcon in T2F2, so you can pull your opponent, note that it pierces deflect, so you can use it against DS and BD when they spin to win (not against Typhoon - Red Spin).
Five Point Strike T3F1 is nice, each hit will daze, but if your target is dazed or stun it will knockup them. You can SS (specced) and use Five Point Strike, when you SS you'll have a resist, so you can easily charge in if you do that. If you're against a FM you can get out of the snare and rush them too.
Against KFM, it's bad to block too much, they have a skill against defending target that stun. If you block for a bit, you might want to Q / E / SS to dodge their stun.

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I'm also a new BM liv 45 and I'm also kicked hard by almost everyone.

I knowed from the beggining that the B; is harder than other classes, but I'm still wandering why as a BM I have to spend a month to learn all the other classes skills to do the same result as the other classes do knowing only they're skills.

There's a reason why in arena I see only Destroyers, Summoners, Warlocks and Force Masters, with some Assassins. Occasionally a Blade Dancer or a Kung Fu Master.

Is 2 weeks that I do pvp arena (not frequently, just some match, I'm not able to play 4 hours every day) and I fought only 4 Blade Masters.


The reason is that the BM need a perfect pvp build and is so hard to play that almost all the players that don't really want to play it in pvp don't even try that class, that is considerated the trash tier in pvp.

Why play a class that force you to become an expert of all the other classes, that don't leave you any room for a distraction and if you press the wrong button you wast an entire combo and lose the match?


My veteran guild members say that at high level the BM is reslly strong, but I don't want to be forced to reach that level only to be strong like all the others.


I'm seriously thinking to reroll to a more easy class, just why I want to win some matches without losing my mind on the keyboard following insane combos just to take the enemy down for 8 seconds, and don't deal good damage why to inflict good damage you really need to be an expert of that and of the other classes to know the timing and the defensive skills of the enemy, just to don't waste your skills.


Compared to all the other classes is a really weak class. Not why can't protect himself or can't deal damage, just why if you want to deal the same damage of the other classes you need to be a master of that game. Then I prefer to play a summoner, that from the liv 30 can easy kill a lot of other classes liv 45 in pvp arena and is still broken if you reach high pvp arena tiers.

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3 hours ago, Neflas said:

I knowed from the beggining that the B; is harder than other classes, but I'm still wandering why as a BM I have to spend a month to learn all the other classes skills to do the same result as the other classes do knowing only they're skills.

Everyone (except maybe Summoner or BD early on) has to learn all the other classes to succeed. BM isn't just weak early because it requires skillful execution, it's weak because it requires skill points and Hongmoon skills.

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Since you made a thread asking for help I am going to assume you are already looking at content from top bms on stream and youtube, if not you should do so immediately. 


The more points you can get into bm the better it becomes. Leveling to 50 hm10 would be beneficial to you with zero improvement in your own gameplay. 


Being that you are new to bm, you probably are messing up your combos a lot. 


Priority #1 is being able to pull off your combos 100% of the time without screwing them up yourself. When you can achieve this you will be at least a gold bm (na). To accomplish this, pve a lot in some place like mushin tower against Junghado (or any boss anywhere that can be ccd and you wont be interefered with). Perfect your combos, being able to do effective damage alone will make you a much more successful  bm. 


Get the zen bean lightning draw hm skill, it is better than people say it is. 


Learn how to use your iframes and when to use them. Tons of gap closers are super easy to see coming and thus q into flicker stun or 5 point. You can learn to do this in pve as well on mobs with gap closers. 


Force Masters are our favorable matchup, never lose to them. Once you learn to beat them you will cry tears of joy whenever they queue into you. Dont let them behind you and watch out for there snowball (blocks your block ability for 6 seconds if it hits you while you are blocking and thats all they need). You get free parry stuns for days against fms, I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be to be on the other side of it. You will grow to love this matchup. 


I am a low plat bm and honestly I suck at this game. I played with a diamond bm in 3s the other day (randomly) and it was a thing of beauty to watch, the way he flawlessly executed his combos and baited skills from opponets was a thing of beauty. I already knew I was not very good, but watching him play made me realize how much more I suck than I previously thought.


If you wanna stop playing bm because you dont like it, then you should do so. Do not quit bm because of a little adversity, the satisfaction you get from improving and making nice plays on the bm class is unrivaled in this game (for me). Whatever path you choose, good luck to you.

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