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Which will be better in pvp post-lvl-50 patch, KFM or FM?


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1v1, 3v3, WPVP... which is better overall considering number of favorable matchup etc...


please give reasoning


I'll be honest: I am more looking for if and why FM might be better; I'm looking at korean arena ranking and kfm has the most out of all classes in top 100 while fm has the fewest. 

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4 minutes ago, Truce said:

1v1, 3v3, WPVP... which is better overall considering number of favorable matchup etc...


please give reasoning


I'll be honest: I am more looking for why FM might be better; I'm looking at korean arena ranking and kfm has the most out of all classes in top 100 while fm has the fewest. 

I am gonna be honest, Asian players have way different play style than EU and NA, you can see that in Mobas in general and Strategy E-Sports, where they use different characters for tournaments than EU and NA.

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are we saying on paper or in reality?


cause you know, player skills factor into the equation too


the reason why there's so many summoners in NA ladder isnt just because summoners are strong, but it's because they are relatively easier to play and the average NA player is bad.


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19 minutes ago, Pesto said:

are we saying on paper or in reality?


cause you know, player skills factor into the equation too


the reason why there's so many summoners in NA ladder isnt just because summoners are strong, but it's because they are relatively easier to play and the average NA player is bad.


in reality. on paper means nothing if it doesn't translates into actual results. 

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18 minutes ago, Truce said:

pls respond

You wont be better if you choose one or another class lol. FM is probably the best class but now even harder to play. KFM is very hard too but has a lot of potential, idk man. What do you want to hear? "KFM is op"? You will never get plat if you think, just choosing a class will get you anywhere. Play what you like more. Both classes are great.


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3 minutes ago, Ra9eQuit said:

You wont be better if you choose one or another class lol. FM is probably the best class but now even harder to play. KFM is very hard too but has a lot of potential, idk man. What do you want to hear? "KFM is op"? You will never get plat if you think, just choosing a class will get you anywhere. Play what you like more. Both classes are great.


if I had a dollar for everytime I heard "play what you like", Bill gates wouldn't be the richest man in the world. 


that's like saying "lol". u basically said nothing and just wanted to type for the sake for typing. 

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1 hour ago, Pesto said:

are we saying on paper or in reality?


cause you know, player skills factor into the equation too


the reason why there's so many summoners in NA ladder isnt just because summoners are strong, but it's because they are relatively easier to play and the average NA player is bad.


or you know, they find summoner fun. 

if I had a dollar for everytime I heard "play what you like", Bill gates wouldn't be the richest man in the world. 


that's like saying "lol". u basically said nothing and just wanted to type for the sake for typing. 

i mean, you wont feel motivated to just play a class you dont like just because its op. i mean, whats the point of playing a game if you dont have fun?


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5 minutes ago, Morcra said:

or you know, they find summoner fun. 

i mean, you wont feel motivated to just play a class you dont like just because its op. i mean, whats the point of playing a game if you dont have fun?


but the question I asked was pretty unambiguous; which is stronger in pvp post-lvl-50 patch, kfm or fm, and asked for explanations. question wasn't "which will be the most op class for pvp after lvl 50". it was which will be stronger between kfm or fm. 


instead I got the usual "play what you like" from people who want to feel like know-it-alls and enjoy hearing the sound of their chubby fingers hitting the keyboard. 


why is it so hard to just answer the question. if you don't know the answer then don't respond. 

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I'd say SIN. Why? Very simple, an average SIN player VS any other class (including destroyer), will try the combo that removes 50% of your life... then repeat. If it doesn't work, he will play full invisible and win with time. This works against all,. I'm not a SIN hater, just that overall SIN played in average is most OP.


KFM, hummm i can only say KFM bot = summoner bot, they can't be defeated (or really really hardly). If a human could have those timings (some do, but do you consider pro chinese players human?...), KFM and summoner most OP. So yeah if your really good with KFM, then its the best choice. But how long are you willing to practice with your KFM / summoner to get to bots level? (or crazy chinese pro guys)


Now for FM. Hummm, if they would be bots for FM, and good ones, they would be just under KFM bots, but just over summoner bots. Yeah i use bots as reference, but not all, destroyer bots are noobs... The bots i'm talking about are those i encountered personally and that where just impossible to kill (timing/counter/Perfect CD's...). I ain't pro, just an average destroyer/summoner player ^^


So all in all, to their maximum potential, i would say KFM>FM. To human potential, SIN>Warlok>Destroyer>Summoner>FM>Others... Good FM's do kill warloks and sumoners, but my list is all about average players in gold 1700+ rank like me :p


Hope it helps you

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3 hours ago, Truce said:

if I had a dollar for everytime I heard "play what you like", Bill gates wouldn't be the richest man in the world. 


that's like saying "lol". u basically said nothing and just wanted to type for the sake for typing. 

Exactly. You are right. But what is the point in choosing the stronger one? What if FM is stronger but KFM is more fun, what if both are equally strong? The game is fairly balanced and the only difference in choosing a class is your role in PvE and the matchups you get shit on in PvP. FM gets countered by BM and KFM gets countered by Assassin. There is not really a stronger class. The game is balanced for a reason. To enable the player to play the class they want to play, because they like the playstyle and not because they are forced to play it because it is strong.
I would love to hear what your motive is to ask such a question on the forums. Explain to me and I will tell you the "better" class.

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