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Gripe: Obtaining race restricted outfits the character can't wear..


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So I highly doubt I'm the only one who has done this, but it just bothers me on a pretty high level (Because obsessive tendencies).


While running a late game dungeon, I obtained what I needed to obtain one of the game's rarer outfits. But since my character is a Lyn, she can't wear it, as the outfit only comes in Gon, Jin, or Yun variants. Avoiding spoilers, but anyone who has reached this point would know exactly which ones I'm talking about. I believe that outfits like these should at least be account bound, this way the outfit may be of some use besides a collectors item, though I believe NC does have their reasons for having things the way they are. 


But this is just a rant, probably not as bothersome to most as it is to me. But if anyone else had something similar, I'd like to know if it bothers you as much as me o3o

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1 hour ago, BeyertheWolf said:

So I highly doubt I'm the only one who has done this, but it just bothers me on a pretty high level (Because obsessive tendencies).


While running a late game dungeon, I obtained what I needed to obtain one of the game's rarer outfits. But since my character is a Lyn, she can't wear it, as the outfit only comes in Gon, Jin, or Yun variants. Avoiding spoilers, but anyone who has reached this point would know exactly which ones I'm talking about. I believe that outfits like these should at least be account bound, this way the outfit may be of some use besides a collectors item, though I believe NC does have their reasons for having things the way they are. 


But this is just a rant, probably not as bothersome to most as it is to me. But if anyone else had something similar, I'd like to know if it bothers you as much as me o3o

BeyertheWolf, I know them feels. I also play a Lyn as my main and this has been a bit confusing to me, too. While many of these costumes have been out for some time already in other versions of the game, we're trying to see what we can do about the account bound stuff for reasons like that. We are thinking about it but we don't have any news right now. Thanks for hanging in there!

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40 minutes ago, Yaviey said:

BeyertheWolf, I know them feels. I also play a Lyn as my main and this has been a bit confusing to me, too. While many of these costumes have been out for some time already in other versions of the game, we're trying to see what we can do about the account bound stuff for reasons like that. We are thinking about it but we don't have any news right now. Thanks for hanging in there!

I dont understand why it is so difficult to make use of these outfits some how. I mean in previous games they were salvageable. I totally agree with the OP. I dropped Dark Pirate on my female Lyn and had to obtain it again on my male Lyn due to not having a system where all outfits are automatically account bound, or atlesat have some use. It is a waste to throw the outfits away when they drop.. or heck get 1 copper from merchant. 

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Yes, I could even handle something like this. Over all the options, I'd prefer having the outfit be account bound, but even some sort of other use would be fine. Like salvaging for fabric, or selling more than the measly copper. 


But if nothing were to change at all in the future, then I'd still hold on to it, simply for collection purposes. I mean...I can still say that I have it, which is more than a lot of others can say o3o

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Just now, Yaviey said:

We're definitely looking into multiple options but nothing is official yet.

Having salvageable would be really nice. I am also hoping they will also be account bound. :3 Was hoping it'd come with Silverfrost.. but oh well.


Could we have patch notes and such tomorrow for the Silverfrost content for Wednesday? (random Q, I know)

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I'm honestly interested to see what comes from this. No matter the result, at least I can see that some effort was put into making progress. 


And if nothing else...I can proudly display the outfit in my Wardrobe/Inventory because I managed to get it o3o

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