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Junghado Enrage bug


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I recently started playing B&S again after some absence and ran Mushin´s Tower. Basically no problems until I encountered Junghado. The fight went smoothly (3 minutes left on the timer and he had less than 20% HP left) but then the bullshit started: The timer vanished at 2:48 and he broke out of my combo, gained perma-truesight, cc-resistance on multiple occasions (red spectre buff). This happened over multiple fights occuring on different time stamps. I tried to relog but nothing changed. I will reinstall and see if anything changes but if it doesn´t, it will cause me some serious problems for the future in Mushin´s Tower. Anyone else had this problem? Is it a bug?

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Sometimes he does multiple red immunity combo. It's not a bug. He never gets to do that on my FM because I kill him too fast. But he does it several times for my BD because my dps is kinda low compare to my FM, but he didn't enraged yet. After about 2x red immunity combo, he goes back to normal and I can kill him. If he did it like 3x or more, then he's enraged.

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As a really cool FM (one using our ice build) I have had this problem multiple times when his whole enrage timers an combos get all wild and out of pattern..which I believe as Kichi as mentioned above is a result of too much stuns/freeze applied on him 


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Yeah, Junhado seems to take it really personally if you CC him a lot. 


I main an FM, and when I used to use an ice build on him, there would be times he would use his dragon attack way earlier in the fight than normal, or sometimes he'd use the attack two times in a row, while nowhere near enraged.


 I don't know why CCing him triggers that attack so much, but it's not unusual. 

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Well with ice build you don't really "need" to CC him 

the Freeze applied on him kind of triggers this enrage too, no need to keep spamming CC's 


@Akaigenesis "Spam like a retard" really ? At least show some level of sense and maturity in a public forum , else just keep quite and keep the garbage coming off your mouth to yourself . Thanks 


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