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Fm or Assassin


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Hello :-) 


I have FM HM5 lvl. With true sirena bange,  accesories awaken sirena,  sparkling pentagonals and hexogonal ruby.  Everything is ready to jump to True Pirate,  but FM got bored,  because it's spammer class: LBM+RBM+F+1 and other skills just optional,  about arena pvp,  FM can't do a **** vs BM.  And as I said its boring class,  Pve is very good,  u have lots of skills to dodge boss aoe..  I realy like assassin playstyle,  but atm he's bad at pve,  ofc solo dungeons op. In The arena assassin can beat any class, well except summoners,  because summoners F is just OP vs assassins...  The problem is my FM is geared and almoust ready for new content,  but my assassin is still 40lvl with awaken infernal dagger and accesories. No good gems and etc. What to pick? Because new content incoming soon... 

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You should just play whichever you enjoy more. From the looks of it, you don't sound like you're satisfied with the FM at all so why not just make the switch? The earlier you make the switch the less time you would be fretting over this decision. Assassin is a great class later on, so you better jump ship now if you don't want to waste more money on a class you won't enjoy.

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Well assassin will cost a lot..   And I think I'LL just change my build.  Assassin is great on PvP and solo dunegons,  but in party... 

And new content is bless for range classes because of WB aoe range 

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So for the lvl 50 patch:


FM pros:


- one of the highest dps classes 

- one of the easiest classes to play in PvE 

- save distance to deal damage 

- decent party support




- There are no cons currently in PvE except that you could get aggro pretty fast if the tank is bad 


SIN pros:


- one of the highest dps classes (especially on 50 with HM skills and with the latest OP skill patch buff) 

- very good party support (OP dps buff or flower pull on near death party members, 10 sec Party stealth or ranged projectile projection+heal, party woodblock protection) 

- many iframes




- typicall melee dps problems (boss tends to hit melees easier) - if you play with lightning build however you can evade most of the hits 

- therefore no save distance to deal damage

- dps comes purely from anicanceling and you need a low ping + also decent fps (low fps fcks up lighting build btw) to play good. 

- the class isn't easy to play in PvE and there is a very high amount of bad SIN's in BnS unfortunately which fcks up our reputation




If you like a save and high hitting dps class choose FM. 

If you like the playstyle of assassins and you're willing to learn how to play assassin correctly choose assassin. 




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Well I like assassin,  but im geared FM, so i'm gonna rush from true sirena to true pirate till next patch and i was noob FM because I used auto detonate,  now I will learn my self and only burn build,  because I heard that it hits like a truck

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6 minutes ago, Shiune said:

So for the lvl 50 patch:


Sorry to bump into someone else's thread, but I'm somewhat curious on the topic as well. Can you please elaborate on FPS problem for assassins? Like how much do you need to have to be a successful assassin? 

I play on a laptop and while it's more than enough for my FM, I'm not so sure if it's enough for a melee class...

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It's a lighting build thingy with the fps. 


I'll give you the blackwyrm example:


So you are usually anicanceling RB+F+4 in stealth with the lighting build as you should know.

This normally works smooth if you are in a small group, mushins tower etc. 


However once you fight with a bigger group (blackwyrm, hae mujin 24, terrors, poharan 24) your RB+F+4 anicancel isn't smooth at all anymore and you'll face pretty big gaps/delays between your RB+F anicancel regardless of your ping (it's a fps thingy). 


This shouldn't effect you if you are above ~30 fps.

But against blackwyrm for example your fps will drop pretty hard and it will fck up your lighting build and therefore your dps. 


That's why I suggest every assassin to go for the Dark Build in crowded areas because the RB+LMB+F anicancel in decoy stance still works pretty smooth with fps laggs. 





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Just now, Shiune said:

It's a lighting build thingy with the fps. 

I'll give you the blackwyrm example:

So you are usually anicanceling RB+F+4 in stealth with the lighting build as you should know.

This normally works smooth if you are in a small group, mushins tower etc. 

However once you fight with a bigger group (blackwyrm, hae mujin 24, terrors, poharan 24) your RB+F+4 anicancel isn't smooth at all anymore and you'll face pretty big gaps/delays between your RB+F anicancel regardless of your ping (it's a fps thingy). 

This shouldn't effect you if you are above ~30 fps.

But against blackwyrm for example your fps will drop pretty hard and it will fck up your lighting build and therefore your dps. 

That's why I suggest every assassin to go for the Dark Build in crowded areas because the RB+LMB+F anicancel in decoy stance still works pretty smooth with fps laggs. 

Oh, gosh, that is sad. I have 15 FPS or even a bit less on crowded BW with Ctrl+f on xD Will it be fine with Dark Build?

And thanks for the explanation!

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