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Mushin's Darkness tips & discussion


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For those of you who don't know, mushin's darkness is the 3rd, and last Mushin fight on the 8th floor of the endless tower. 


I think the difficulty level of from easiest to hardest is as follows:

1.) Summoner

2.) Force Master

3.) KFM

4.) Warlock

5.) BM

6.) BD/LBM

7.) Destroyer

8.) Assassin


it may not be 100% accurate, but i know ranged dps have a slight edge. i've seen a scrub 405 AP force master clear it with ease.

I also know that its painful for sins because he spams true sight.


It took me many tries to figure out that his AOE gives a damage buff at the cost of HP drain, and it stacks.

Because of this, a high health pool is advised.


Though you might not get the best damage stats, try to stack 8/8 lab soulshields. (You can swap out a few for crit if you can afford it)


He follows a set pattern all the time, so you should know when to avoid his attacks pretty easily after your first few tries.

I can't give any class specific tips as i've only played an assassin.

As an assassin, your should spec for "x" stun, your healing smoke (to avoid damage when he does his ice projectiles) and for the left click stun that doesn't break stealth to buy time when he gets true sight. I would also advise to spec into your shadow slash that knocks down.


Use your mine to knock him down, and as he gets back up with his whirlwind kick thingy, "Q" it to go in stealth. repeat this process everytime your Q is off cooldown.


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That AoE damage boost/health drain is VITAL to beating the enrage timer.  Went from losing with a good 30-40% health left to beating him with 5 seconds to spare once I figured that out.

Summoner-specific tips:
Keep him rooted and flanked as much as possible to minimize his iframes/ability to murder you, ensure you use your roots while he's KDed/pinned to get the shorter cooldown.
Enhanced Seed Shroud the last step of his fire AoE and recall the cat to the edge so it doesn't kill itself on the middle.
When he does his ice attacks, backdash, counter, and curl the cat.

Don't blow cooldowns until he's done the grab thing.

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2 hours ago, Virtue said:

For those of you who don't know, mushin's darkness is the 3rd, and last Mushin fight on the 8th floor of the endless tower. 


I think the difficulty level of from easiest to hardest is as follows:

1.) Summoner

2.) Force Master

3.) KFM

4.) Warlock

5.) BM

6.) BD/LBM

7.) Destroyer

8.) Assassin


it may not be 100% accurate, but i know ranged dps have a slight edge. i've seen a scrub 405 AP force master clear it with ease.

I also know that its painful for sins because he spams true sight.


It took me many tries to figure out that his AOE gives a damage buff at the cost of HP drain, and it stacks.

Because of this, a high health pool is advised.


Though you might not get the best damage stats, try to stack 8/8 lab soulshields. (You can swap out a few for crit if you can afford it)


He follows a set pattern all the time, so you should know when to avoid his attacks pretty easily after your first few tries.

I can't give any class specific tips as i've only played an assassin.

As an assassin, your should spec for "x" stun, your healing smoke (to avoid damage when he does his ice projectiles) and for the left click stun that doesn't break stealth to buy time when he gets true sight. I would also advise to spec into your shadow slash that knocks down.


Use your mine to knock him down, and as he gets back up with his whirlwind kick thingy, "Q" it to go in stealth. repeat this process everytime your Q is off cooldown.



Lol. Just saying that BD and Destroyer shouldn't be on those places. They have it much easier than BM. Destroyer spam ani cancel for a shitload of damage, you can even do it with 2 minutes spare and LBM can grab the boss and unload a lot of damage without having to avoid anything. Sin/BM have it hard, no idea about warlock/kfm.


Edit : Also, what pattern ? When he teleports near you, can you know what he'll do next based on a pattern ? He can either do counter,resist,respond, normal punches (SAITAMAAA) or some a red attack in a line in his front.

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I would go as far as to say destroyer is the easiest if you have the book... why? go in stunlock/damage stomp pop fury and thats 80% instantly... he does fire animation use searing strike on the 4th fire boomerang him stunlock damage choke slam damage boom 60% rinse and repeat till death 

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3 hours ago, Tubby said:

I would go as far as to say destroyer is the easiest if you have the book... why? go in stunlock/damage stomp pop fury and thats 80% instantly... he does fire animation use searing strike on the 4th fire boomerang him stunlock damage choke slam damage boom 60% rinse and repeat till death 

That's one hell of an "if".

You might as well say its easy if you have max gear.

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