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Biggest gripe about this game are Summoners, i have 2 45+ summoenrs plat

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I know there are countless of threads people complaining about summoners, THAT'S BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY NEED A FREAKING NERF. 

Okay, ncsoft... we freaking get it,  you guys are the biggest problem in the mmorpg industry. You guys need to get your **** together and nerf summoners , they're way too freaking imbalance.


Why can't anyone understand this? I'm trying to get this out to everyone. 

I can't do anythng as an assassin. They would constantly summon their cat in front of them every time I try to focus their cat, even if I focus the summoner itself I can't do any damage,  Seriously, nerf this stupid retarded class already.

I have 2+ Summoners that are platinum/diamond at 45 and i'm making a lot of money and straight 20+ wins because of how broken this class is.

If NCSoft doesn't do anything, mark my words something bad is going to happen to this game. I mean it's already messed up. 

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stop whining. do you know how we summoners feel about this? we feel the exact same way about bd, destroyers, kfm, and any good assasin. plus ppl like you always make us stress out to the point where we just cant anymore, you guys have us always wonderign if we are gonna get a nerf, or not. we already got 3 nerfs since launch no other class has had a nerf.

plus at lvl 50 we are the BOTTOM teir class, if we get too many nerfs b4 the lvl 50 patch, we will be even worse at lvl 50. be patient and stop complaining.

i do good against summoners, a lot of ppl do, you simply just dont know how to either play you class, or play against summoners. if you really have 2 summoenrs, you should know all of its abilities and how they work and the "combo", so you should never lose, so u might not even have a summoner. also you leveled 2 summoners? thats another reaon i dont belive you

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I'm also going to sue the makers of this game. Assassin ca'nt do anytihjng about FOrce MAsters. They will efsal;kjfsdal;kjfsda;kjfsdaolkj


freaking stack ice like perpetually... even with your moves you can't really do much, I'ms erious .

Ncsoft does'nt realize how broken their stupid mmo is. 

10 minutes ago, Pacma said:

stop whining. do you know how we summoners feel about this? we feel the exact same way about bd, destroyers, kfm, and any good assasin. plus ppl like you always make us stress out to the point where we just cant anymore, you guys have us always wonderign if we are gonna get a nerf, or not. we already got 3 nerfs since launch no other class has had a nerf.

plus at lvl 50 we are the BOTTOM teir class, if we get too many nerfs b4 the lvl 50 patch, we will be even worse at lvl 50. be patient and stop complaining.

i do good against summoners, a lot of ppl do, you simply just dont know how to either play you class, or play against summoners. if you really have 2 summoenrs, you should know all of its abilities and how they work and the "combo", so you should never lose, so u might not even have a summoner. also you leveled 2 summoners? thats another reaon i dont belive you




10 minutes ago, Pacma said:

stop whining. do you know how we summoners feel about this? we feel the exact same way about bd, destroyers, kfm, and any good assasin. plus ppl like you always make us stress out to the point where we just cant anymore, you guys have us always wonderign if we are gonna get a nerf, or not. we already got 3 nerfs since launch no other class has had a nerf.

plus at lvl 50 we are the BOTTOM teir class, if we get too many nerfs b4 the lvl 50 patch, we will be even worse at lvl 50. be patient and stop complaining.

i do good against summoners, a lot of ppl do, you simply just dont know how to either play you class, or play against summoners. if you really have 2 summoenrs, you should know all of its abilities and how they work and the "combo", so you should never lose, so u might not even have a summoner. also you leveled 2 summoners? thats another reaon i dont belive you


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18 minutes ago, beowolf said:


I got directed to this post just to see some kid whining about how his favourite asswipe can't faceroll vs sums and fms.  Waste of time but w/e.  I'm getting tired of this so I'll respond.  You'd be more credible if you don't go over the top, lol at suing NC.  You do that.  I'll give free popcorn.



AHAHAH yeah whatever, the only one looking retarded is you.  If you kill the cat and let a summoner resummon, then not only are you bad and deserve every loss you have, but you're also probably lying about being in plat/diamond with ANYTHING.  Summon cat every 2-4s?  That's the stupidest thing I've seen in this forum, and that's including the bots.


Yeah, you got some points.  Sums are powerful, and THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DESTROY BAD PLAYERS, WHICH YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF LOOK LIKE.  A button mashing summoner will beat a button mashing ass, which is what I suspect you of being.  At ACTUAL plat/diamond play, summoners are still strong (1.5x the next number, kfm in diamond), but definitely not cancer.  They need nerfs.  They will get nerfs.  I keep saying as (an actual) dual FM/sum 2k main to remove hidden power from sums such as their interrupts when they're air-CC'd or their unblockable 1 attack after using their 2 escape - stuff plat/diamonds would feel but that baddies use and benefit when panicking at first CC.  THAT kind of stuff is legit and open to debate: a decent civil discussion about how to balance classes.  


Another thing you mentioned that's somewhat legit: Yeah, asses suck against FM, and are in tough vs sums.  That's life.  In real plat/diamond, sums have similar favourable matchups and very real counters: FM and Dest easily have a better winrate than my summ, and KFM can 100-0 me if I'm not really careful.  FM also have really tough matchups aside from the sin favourable: they're the only guys that give BM a reason to live.  So if you want to have a discussion about how arena isn't healthy not because of OPness, but of the rock-paper-scissors matchups, that's also legit. 


But you decide to do another of the millions of worthless "I'm bad and I'm going to fake that I'm plat so listen to me and nerf summs plz" threads.


There's lots of more relevant gripes about this game, and the 99% afk summoner bots in 3v3s would make a much better leg for you to stand on.


I'm with Pacma in calling your bullshit and calling you bullshit.  


He means "Ali" at E you freaking retard... it deals AoE damage that brings sins out of stealth if they get close (and you can do it while stunned). Also, your Doom'n'bloom brings out of stealth.

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Just now, beowolf said:

yeah I edited it right when you replied.  You can lay off my dick kid.  It's hard reading troll and translating it into English.  Summon usually means summon in English, not beckon.  Also, I never said sums didn't have tools.  I DID say they probably need touching up.  Keep up the reading comprehension though, nice catch.


No, Summon means SUMMON. Telling someone to come to you. English too hard I guess.

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Alright alright, fair enough. I definitely have no problems with other classes.... 

I think we'll get better stuff in future updates when we get the level 50 level cap.


Blade Master is easiest match up for me, I honestly don't know why Blade Master doesn't need the buff it needs. Anyone else agree? I play Blade Master as my 3rd character. 

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12 hours ago, Pacma said:

stop whining. do you know how we summoners feel about this? we feel the exact same way about bd, destroyers, kfm, and any good assasin. plus ppl like you always make us stress out to the point where we just cant anymore, you guys have us always wonderign if we are gonna get a nerf, or not. we already got 3 nerfs since launch no other class has had a nerf.

plus at lvl 50 we are the BOTTOM teir class, if we get too many nerfs b4 the lvl 50 patch, we will be even worse at lvl 50. be patient and stop complaining.

i do good against summoners, a lot of ppl do, you simply just dont know how to either play you class, or play against summoners. if you really have 2 summoenrs, you should know all of its abilities and how they work and the "combo", so you should never lose, so u might not even have a summoner. also you leveled 2 summoners? thats another reaon i dont belive you

Can you stop exaggerating? 3 nerf since launch? bottom tier class at level 50? You feel the same exact way about bd,destroyers, kfm? are you serious? Summoner players really live in their own bubble

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