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i am playing with 50-60ping to the server or the city of the server, and everyone,not just me, experience massive lag gameplay moments, which is mostly constant.... as from me, i wont spend a single Euro again till this lag is fixed, since this is PRIORITY, and everyone should actually do the same. Think about it, and share this post!  server always lagging, unplayable.... and they dont even allow WTFast which could help a little. 

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Since the last patch it has gotten worse. Too bad I work during the day, because apparently the only time the servers aren't *cricket*ing garbage is during morning/noon on work days. Just tried to do some pvp, unplayable. I just started searching for an alternative for my pvp fun....too bad. I love BnS but NCsoft are a bunch of uncaring money grabbers. I've been waiting and waiting and they don't give a shit. They will just say it's on your end go *cricket* yourself and that's it. EVEN WHEN THEY STARTED LAGGING DURING ARENA ON THEIR *cricket*ING LIVE STREAM. Imagine that. "someone must be downloading hurr". Disgusting. All we're ever gonna get is copy-pasted answers about looking into it and our ISPs....

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I was just in Harbor 6man at Mane and we all got like 30sec lag, thought we dc-ed, but chat worked and after that i got Network Error w/e.

Yesterday i bought recurring Premium with Paypal and found out it's not working, so wanted to use CC.

But today i changed my mind and I'm not paying single euro until they fix servers and I'll let my current Premium run out.

And to think I bought Founders pack for this support...

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They allow it. But wtfast stopped being helpful to me after the last patch. It's fine during the day when I am home and able to play, but in the evenings you go for some pvp/cross dungs and it's a shit show. 

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