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Friendly warning; scam/hack attempt from random players


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Hello I just want to let people know that I've received 2 messages today, they were both friendly and asked me if i wanted to be friends? I was like sure but then they gave me their skype and asked for mine, which I said I dont use and proceed to block/report.

Now they were random players but not like bots, they were in my party for Blackwyrm so I accepted their friend request but then they started sending me messages trying to be friends etc.


Just a warning, Don't share your skype or any other information with players you don't know or barely know. I guess now it's their way of hacking accounts and what not.

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Thats hardly a hack or scam attempt lol, could jjust be people trying to make friends and wanting to voice chat with you.

When I played League people I added used to ask for skype all the time just to talk during games

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Why would u send me a friend req and add me when I didn't even interact with you? They were just in a random faction group. Why is game chat isnt enough and you ask for my skype?


fishy i tihnk

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To get your IP address, which they can link to your user account (in your bns profile).


Otherwise they can exploit your connection, or the Skype client itself (which had known exploits over the years).


Or possibly exploit some aspect of GameGuard, as it injects itself into the Skype process.


Or even send a file/multimedia with exploits via Skype, convincing you to accept.


TS/other voicecomms are similar, but they need access to the server to get your IP. actually, not sure in TS you might be able to get it straight from the client.

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That's why I thought it was suspicious, people have used skype to hack people in the past... and he said his english wasn't good etc, I DIDNT play with this player, he was just in some random faction daily group...


anyway could be a bot who knows!

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I don't see why exchanging skype ID would make someone a hacker. When I played WoW back in the days, Skype was a MUST for arena and I didn't get hacked. The people I played with were legitimate players and we became friends through playing together. I still talk to a lot of them today... They can't hack you as long as you don't share account or receive virus they send. Just no way...

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