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Havent seen worse pvp in an mmo for ages. Holy *cricket*, so few clases and you can't balance them?  Summoners and BD must be fun as hell, huh. Plus hacks and bots everywhere, lag, etc etc.


I'm so so so damn glad I didn't bought the founder pack.

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Here we go again...

Remember guys, the most OP class in this game wit whichever you are not using.


Sin = Perma stealth + decent heals

Summoner = OP dmg + stealth + annoying cat

BD = lots of resist

KFM = Max agi + Daze spam gg

Destroyer = spinspinspinspinspinspins grab smash smahs smash (Hulk likes)

FM = Perma snare

BM = Okay... this is somewhat "weak" (skilled BMs can be a pain tho, but average is pretty bad)

Warlock = No idea. Still leveling mine and havent had any troble killing them wih my main so far.

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1 hour ago, KenOwnsU said:

Here we go again...

Remember guys, the most OP class in this game wit whichever you are not using.


Predictions vary on which classes are best at top-level play, but the data don't lie. Summoners and BDs are still the dominant forces in PvP. Summoner still benefits from a number of bugs, such as the cat's erroneous classification of 100% Evade as Defending status (allowing Pounce to be used on a targets casting aerial attacks like Ascend or Piledriver) or the ability to prevent the use of the Tab escape while the cat is grappling an opponent. There is also quite a bit more consensus than your post would suggest. It is very rare to see people place KFM or Summoner low in tier lists, or place BM high on the list. Typically, you see something resembling the following:


Summoner- High

KFM - High

BD - Middle/High

Assassin - Middle

FM - Middle

Destroyer - Middle/Low

BM - Low


There are also considerable caveats. Assassin is middle because it struggles mightily with high-tier summoner, while winning other matches more often. People can be forgiven for hating on Assassin if they are playing KFM or Destroyer, being that those matchups heavily favor Assassin, but a Summoner having trouble with Assassins just won't be taken seriously.


(No info on where Warlock might stand. I have heard they are weak, but I have faced one in total, and that class and the surrounding meta are simply not sufficiently mature for any meaningful evaluation.)

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funny how everyone knows the 50 patch is the more balance but yet still complains and cant wait either learn how to fight match ups or just dont pvp at all and u cant win every match your gunna take some losses and your playing a class just u hear its OP then yourr playing the game wrong play what u like learn it and you be OP

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summoner- we are low teir in lvl 50, plus with the nerf we got, we will be less than low tier, the way you feel about summoenrs is the way we feel about bd and dstroyers. we def need a buff at lvl 50 patch

kfm- it seems kfm needs a slight buff rather than a nerf

bd- they are perfect where they are

assasin - on my warlock, assasins are op, warlock has baely any stealth breakers, i feel like assasins need a slighty longer cd on their stealth(1-2 seconds) but thats all

fm- they seem balanced atm

destroyer- the spin needs a nerf, maybe make it cost more focus, bcuz atm they can spam it and not lose ANY focus at all, i swear i want against a destro who spammed spin the whole match not stopping, he didnt use any other ability, just spin i healed too, the match was about 15 seconds, 15 seconds of nonstop spin, the focus is broken

bm- they need a SERIoUS buff from what ive heard, but dont giver them a serious buff, only a slight buff, bcuz if they get a serious buff, i hear that at 50 they will be op and with a serious buff now, they will be too op

warlock- only class that needs and deserves a serious buff, other classes also have like 6 skills more than warlocks q and e deserve their own skill rather than a thrall skill only.


those are what the balance needs imo

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35 minutes ago, Pacma said:

summoner- we are low teir in lvl 50, plus with the nerf we got, we will be less than low tier, the way you feel about summoenrs is the way we feel about bd and dstroyers. we def need a buff at lvl 50 patch

kfm- it seems kfm needs a slight buff rather than a nerf

bd- they are perfect where they are

assasin - on my warlock, assasins are op, warlock has baely any stealth breakers, i feel like assasins need a slighty longer cd on their stealth(1-2 seconds) but thats all

fm- they seem balanced atm

destroyer- the spin needs a nerf, maybe make it cost more focus, bcuz atm they can spam it and not lose ANY focus at all, i swear i want against a destro who spammed spin the whole match not stopping, he didnt use any other ability, just spin i healed too, the match was about 15 seconds, 15 seconds of nonstop spin, the focus is broken

bm- they need a SERIoUS buff from what ive heard, but dont giver them a serious buff, only a slight buff, bcuz if they get a serious buff, i hear that at 50 they will be op and with a serious buff now, they will be too op

warlock- only class that needs and deserves a serious buff, other classes also have like 6 skills more than warlocks q and e deserve their own skill rather than a thrall skill only.


those are what the balance needs imo

Warlocks need a serious buff? I am doing fine with mine. Have had no issues. Broke 1800 points at level 32...mostly against bots and BDs lol. Only hard match I have found is a mirror match against a higher level Warlock. 

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1 minute ago, LostxExile said:

Warlocks need a serious buff? I am doing fine with mine. Have had no issues. Broke 1800 points at level 32...mostly against bots and BDs lol. Only hard match I have found is a mirror match against a higher level Warlock. 


And this is why it's too early to make a good evaluation on where Warlock stands.

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1 minute ago, HUnewearl said:


And this is why it's too early to make a good evaluation on where Warlock stands.

Agreed. I think its more of a lack of understanding the locks and the play styles that people struggle with or against.

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55 minutes ago, Pacma said:

summoner- we are low teir in lvl 50, plus with the nerf we got, we will be less than low tier, the way you feel about summoenrs is the way we feel about bd and dstroyers. we def need a buff at lvl 50 patch

kfm- it seems kfm needs a slight buff rather than a nerf

bd- they are perfect where they are

assasin - on my warlock, assasins are op, warlock has baely any stealth breakers, i feel like assasins need a slighty longer cd on their stealth(1-2 seconds) but thats all

fm- they seem balanced atm

destroyer- the spin needs a nerf, maybe make it cost more focus, bcuz atm they can spam it and not lose ANY focus at all, i swear i want against a destro who spammed spin the whole match not stopping, he didnt use any other ability, just spin i healed too, the match was about 15 seconds, 15 seconds of nonstop spin, the focus is broken

bm- they need a SERIoUS buff from what ive heard, but dont giver them a serious buff, only a slight buff, bcuz if they get a serious buff, i hear that at 50 they will be op and with a serious buff now, they will be too op

warlock- only class that needs and deserves a serious buff, other classes also have like 6 skills more than warlocks q and e deserve their own skill rather than a thrall skill only.


those are what the balance needs imo

This is why nobody below 1900 should give class balance advice

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1 hour ago, Genocitic said:

funny how everyone knows the 50 patch is the more balance but yet still complains and cant wait either learn how to fight match ups or just dont pvp at all and u cant win every match your gunna take some losses and your playing a class just u hear its OP then yourr playing the game wrong play what u like learn it and you be OP

Another No.

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Just now, SasakiKojiro said:

Que? Name? Because what you said about all the classes 90% of it is wrong. You're just a scummoner whos salty that a destroyer raped you

i cant give my name o forums or i will be banned, but what i said about destroys is true


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2 minutes ago, Pacma said:

i cant give my name o forums or i will be banned, but what i said about destroys is true


Perhaps but you said BD are perfect where they are. Are you not counting the fact they have a 5 second/5 hit resist and another 5 seconds in resisting stuns? And that 5 second resist is tied to a 10% heal guranteed. You said destroyer spin. Which spin? Our Fire spin? It cost 20 initially then 10 focus afterwards. It can easily be avoided with ONE SS so....

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I`m planing to leave game too. Too many bots and scripts users.

Please explain to me why we MUST wait for a patch of 50 level to be fixed PvP ? Why ? Ok, its free game but not for all.

I will not wait.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bad english incomming:


the pvp system is obviously bullshit, but fans will always defend their favourite game even if its the worst crap out there.

I played so many mmo´s and i never experienced so much hate about the pvp system like in blade and soul.


-pvp is obviously unbalanced

-waste your escape, get 1 comboed by macro masters (kfm)

-play summoner to reach diamond without knowing  what your skills do

-Blade Dancer, spam Tab to win xD


Blade and soul is a typical made in asia product: bad quality, many bugs, shitty performance, zero balance


And this is the reason why there will be no esport scene in the west


Many people saw the esport videos of blade and soul in asia, but they forget that esport in asia is completely different,

they play games like crossfire instead of counterstrike and we all know which of those games has the better quality.

They are used to play every bullshit and create a huge esport scene for every crap.


And this is also the reason why it took them so long to release b&s for the western gamers, because they knew that b&s cant fulfill the quality standarts like World of Warcraft or Guild Wars,




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45 minutes ago, Ash said:


-pvp is obviously unbalanced

-waste your escape, get 1 comboed by macro masters (kfm)

-play summoner to reach diamond without knowing  what your skills do

-Blade Dancer, spam Tab to win xD



1- It doesn't take a macro master KFM to 100-0 you if you waste your escape.  This same issue occurs in many other MMO games where the PvP scene was sometimes considered the best.  Even in WoW, if you wasted your trinket, you got jibbed and its your own fault that you're being punished for wasting your escape out of the combo.

2- Honestly, very few people are going to reach diamond without knowing how to play their class. I have a hard time believing that Summoner, the easiest class to learn in the game by far, is going to diamond by clueless players controlling them.  I have a much easier time believing that they are making it to diamond earlier in a player's play time, simply because mastering one requires little to no effort compared to other classes.

3- Blade Dancer "spam tab to win".   I disagree.  Tab spin is a double edged sword.  It consumes 2 Chi.  5 Spins and you're out.  You spam and essentially OOM yourself.  Now you're useless and vulnerable as all hell.  Learn to lure players into tab spinning, and learn when to punish them for running out of chi.  Remember, the only reason they can spam tab in the first place, is because every time you hit them while spinning, you refresh their chi.   

Essentially, you have a lot to learn about other classes.  Sure each class will always have a hard counter, but it doesn't mean that they are OP.  Just, that they perform better vs your class.  People say Warlock is weak, yet it mangles defensive classes with ease.

50 patch is on Wednesday, so we'll see a whole new batch of OP cries, until players actually learn how to counter the new skillsets that are being used by classes.  

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