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Dungeon Loot - Class Spec'ed


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Is it ingame?  to avoid ninjas especially on books.


I dont mind setting the minimum bid to 15g for a book, giving 5g each to my partymates.  Just hate it when someone else bids for a book that I need, of which he doesn't.


If the person doesnt bid, or no player with the corresponding class, then book becomes free-for-all to bid on.

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Nothing like that. Some players are just douchebags and do it on purpose. Had a poh4 run where the hair dropped and all others had them already so they started outbidding me. When it reached 20g I passed and went with 5g profit. Not worth it to argue with greedy kids.


Started a static for the runs and got all we need. Best decision ever 

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15 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

Nothing like that. Some players are just douchebags and do it on purpose. Had a poh4 run where the hair dropped and all others had them already so they started outbidding me. When it reached 20g I passed and went with 5g profit. Not worth it to argue with greedy kids.


Started a static for the runs and got all we need. Best decision ever 

That was smart of you. If they had it already, they can't do nothing with an extra one except sell it for 1 copper.


In regards to the topic, however, it make sense others will bid on a book especially if it can sell for hundreds. I mean... would I let you win it for 1 copper, or do I bid 10g and sell it for hundreds? hmm
IF they do make any loot class spec, I DEMAND that they make the item untradable. Otherwise it would not be fair especially watching that one guy pay 1 copper for something that he can then turn around and sell for a lot more.

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Imagine a setup where a book drops guaranteed 1 time out of 10 runs.

You run 10 times and your class book drops, and you're done, while other people run 200 times and don't get their class book. Fair? No.

Just because you're the only one who can "apply" the book to your character it doesn't mean you're entitled to getting it for 1 copper leaving everyone else empty-handed.


If you bid properly, you run 40 times, and get a book or money for a book. The others also run 40 the dungeon times and get their books as well.


And making it untradable would just make it a pain in the ass.


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