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wildfire skill


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ok im not sure if thats the right name. its the one on the Z button.


ok so basically on the tree build simulator it says this skill extends any burn duration by 4 seconds. but in-game it says burns target for 4 seconds ( something like that)


now i tried the skill and it doesnt extend burn by 4 seconds nor does it burn target for 4 seconds. i even put points into it and nothing.


is this a bug? or just wrong description.



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It works as LinaCrysta describes but the skill is BAD BAD BAD.  I wish they would rework it into something remotely useful.  You're better off by a mile applying burn in pretty much any other way than to use wildfire and the "aoe" damage on it is pathetic.

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For PvP spec it into the other tree for relaunch against melee, for PVE dont bother mabye until we get more skill pts cause the burn extension is actually quite nice but its really not worth the points. I used to use it when we only had 4s force blast burn but now its kinda useless 

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yea i checked it ingame earlier on and it does work, just not the way i imagined it. 


i imagined it to add 4 seconds onto the burn duration so like 10sec burn +4 second. but nope


as jayp said, its bad XD i rather use the other method to burn targets.

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i use this for clutch situations when im either not paying to much attention to my feet and going full turret xD

better then most alternatives since im HM3 i can sput the extra points there for now

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