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Anyone else stopped doing arena because of the Summoners?


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All classes have a disadvantage against other classes. The more you complain about summoner, the more reason you give them to act smug and then complain about the incompetent people who complain about them. Don't give them the satisfaction. 

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As FM and newbie in BNS i still manage to kill about 50% of the summoners i fight against but i lose 90% of the time against BD and BM, they resist everything, even while they are knocked down. I do know that it is mostly my own fault since i do not know these classes pretty much at all, perhaps after i can learn their moves better i can handle em better, will see.

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8 hours ago, PvPMS said:

All classes have a disadvantage against other classes. The more you complain about summoner, the more reason you give them to act smug and then complain about the incompetent people who complain about them. Don't give them the satisfaction. 


IMO its a bit different :

The more you complain - more ppl will create summoner bcs they think they are super OP like you spam....IF you want less summoners in arenas then stop sayin they are OP... and just live with the pain and wait for patches, OR actually try learn how to beat them...bcs even tho i agreee they are easier to play than other classes they still can be defeated...


By crying here you wont achieve anything else than more summoners, since balance patches and all this stuff is done in KR... and it already was done, but NCWest is just not giving it to us bcs we need to "enjoy current content" which you can rush in 4 days... so just wait man..

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I dont like Summoners either, but people here are right.

The more you complaint about them, the more smug, insufferable dingledicks will make them just for shit and giggles. Dnt give them that satisfaction.


I mean, when I am matched against a Summoner I just lower my gauntlets like Obi Wan death scene in Episode IV

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4 hours ago, Vanquishz said:

As asssassin I've lost at least 90% against summoners , they are fk op not doub (and more being assassin) , the other 10% I've won because they were afk lol


ever tryed play on time? stealth most of the time and go out only if you know you do some dmg... you dont have to kill him... you have to survive and do dmg... outcome will most likely be - you win...if he uses F just SS and RMB to put yourself far away so you break the F... 


watch this guy for more tips altho he is kinda jerk :D http://www.twitch.tv/xukania

just my tips as i am main summoner and sin alt...

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3 minutes ago, AwesomeFart said:


ever tryed play on time? stealth most of the time and go out only if you know you do some dmg... you dont have to kill him... you have to survive and do dmg... outcome will most likely be - you win...if he uses F just SS and RMB to put yourself far away so you break the F... 

just my tips as i am main summoner and sin alt...

I'll try it, its hard to resist until the time runs out, but its better than I've been doing all the time 

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15 minutes ago, Vanquishz said:

I'll try it, its hard to resist until the time runs out, but its better than I've been doing all the time 

ppl do mistakes all the time... look for mistakes while in stealth... like useless SSs or useless flowers - bait them even with your 3 while stealth and such... then strike... if you learn your combo well you can even kill him... 


patience :)

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When I started PvPing I used to lose against summoners but the higher I got the more summoners I met. So the only way to get higher was to be able to beat them, after quite a lot of games I started winning against more and more summoners. Now they are more or less free beans simply cause I've learnt to play against them.

Though still *cricket* that cat and it's ability to air combo you while you're air comboing the summoner.

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11 minutes ago, Krindor said:

When I started PvPing I used to lose against summoners but the higher I got the more summoners I met. So the only way to get higher was to be able to beat them, after quite a lot of games I started winning against more and more summoners. Now they are more or less free beans simply cause I've learnt to play against them.

Though still *cricket* that cat and it's ability to air combo you while you're air comboing the summoner.

What class are you?

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21 minutes ago, Vanquishz said:

just put in the list the Assassin lol, you need to be a pro to beat a summ with one. its fk annoying

Thing about summoners is that they aren't PvP targets they are PvE targets so think of them more like a boss, like Junghado. Practice the setup learn the patterns of the cat and understand the class. The higher up you get the more summoners you'll see, hell the higher tier consist of like 30-40% summoners, but this also means that they will have less experience versus you than you'll have versus them. While  yes it will be frustrating at first the reward will feel so much better.

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3 minutes ago, Krindor said:

Thing about summoners is that they aren't PvP targets they are PvE targets so think of them more like a boss, like Junghado. Practice the setup learn the patterns of the cat and understand the class. The higher up you get the more summoners you'll see, hell the higher tier consist of like 30-40% summoners, but this also means that they will have less experience versus you than you'll have versus them. While  yes it will be frustrating at first the reward will feel so much better.

so true

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