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Bye bye gold rank


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5 minutes ago, LiriC said:

someone stated that it's not 2 v 1 . when you have 2 hit boxes and 2 health bars ..  this is the most retarded thing to say.. it's amazing ... so what is it then ? 2 hit boxes = 2 targets = 2 healt bars = 2 things TO KILL = 2 things that can do DMG .


You have only one thing to kill if you decide to CC the pet and kill the Summoner. Most of the annoying Summoner abilities come from the cat, and a part of their damage output too. Without it, they are nothing, so no, it is not 2v1. The cat + the Summoner count for 1. Facing a Summoner without his cat would be 0.5v1.

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Just now, ShandraManaya said:


If summoners aren't squishy then explain me why as a KFM I can destroy them that fast while the same combo doesn't kill the other classes ? Have to use 3rf ani cancel against any other classes while keeping them CCed for a longer time.


And if the cat curls up and takes no damage, then it's useless, so you can just jump on the Summoner. Again, I'm not considering killing the cat as the best strategy myself but I've seen it, especially from Destroyers. The best strategy is CC the cat, and it's easy as *cricket*.

a good summoner would run right away once you start chasing him while the cat gets up and chase you. cc the cat? think about all the option the summoner can do when your off cc the cat. kfm can constantly ram cc onto the summoner and cat at the same time, but sins, or bm or even fm do that? Summoner has many escapes and counters, it aint easy landing a solid combo without them going invis or the cat jumping on top of you or being snared, slowed, and poisoned. 

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2 minutes ago, ServerAreDown said:

a good summoner would run right away once you start chasing him while the cat gets up and chase you. cc the cat? think about all the option the summoner can do when your off cc the cat. kfm can constantly ram cc onto the summoner and cat at the same time, but sins, or bm or even fm do that? Summoner has many escapes and counters, it aint easy landing a solid combo without them going invis or the cat jumping on top of you or being snared, slowed, and poisoned. 


I agree that it has to be more difficult for other classes than KFM. But I'm fairly sure that it's possible. Haven't played Assassin in PvP myself (only did some solo PvE with my girlfriend's Assassin), I only faced them, so I don't have an in-depth knowledge of the class and its talent trees. I have a 45 Blade Master tho, and I did some PvP, but I'm still learning the class so I haven't figured everything out and got rekt by Summoners. Yet I've faced some really freaking good Blade Masters at gold+ ranks with my KFM that could beat me if I didn't take them seriously. Summoners are so frequent in PvP that these good BMs had to do something against them in order to rank up, so it has to be possible.

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5 minutes ago, Adamant92 said:

He has another video where he fights summoners for an hour, and most of the matches he lives by a thread to draw it and sin always wins draw.



Om on my way to home from work ill check it out.

Draw the sum was my only good thought but doin it in reality hmm need to be seen.

But if manage staying in stealth n doing poke damage with poison mine seems good

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Wow keep hiding your heads under the sand and just scream lalalalala I can't hear you when people tell you that summoners are OP.

I'll admit when the game first came on 1 month ago when players just started the pvp game (excluding beta/pserver players) I thought summoners were an easy class to play but very possible to beat them if you knew how.

After over 400 matches between preseason and this season in 1v1 it's not hard to realize which 1 class is consistently better, even OP, than any other class.

Just like everyone else I can pick off the newb summoners that don't know what they are doing, but at this point most summoners in gold+ do know what they are doing and its very rare to actually beat one.


To the guys saying kfm this kfm that, summoner is easy sauce.

Have you not realized that kfm is actually stronger than any other class if you can play it properly?

Some go as far to say as kfm is the new fotm or OP this patch.


To the assassin that's calling everybody easy to pvp against and all classes are balanced.


So just because you are in the top ranks of elo score / pvp rank that makes the game fair and balanced?

Get of your high horse and accept your perception of reality is not aligned with reality.

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Just wanna test this forums filter by saying what the *cricket* maaan.


Anyway, I'm not perfect at sin vs sm yet, but there's some tips that have helped me.


- Focusing down only the cat seems to kill me as the SM has full hp.

- If you get flower on you, SS backstep and RMB dash in the direction away from him. Flower is removed if the Lyn loses targeting on you.

- Stealth as much as possible.

- Don't rush, or he'll break your stealth with AoE if you target one thing for too long.

- Stun the SM a lot.

- I haven't tried it yet, but i'm gonna try ice bomb or something.

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